Posted by: caiman8 - Monday, 15 November 2010 19:16:10
Hi, I'm new to web design and extremely new to YAF. I've got YAF working when I run my website through IIS 7. However, I can't figure out how to get it to load in Visual Studio 2008. I've extracted the .zip file into a subdirectory of my website, set up my database, and gone through the installation procedure through localhost. Works fine. And when I navigate to YAF using localhost, that works fine too. But when I load my website into VS2008 and attempt to run my site with the development server, I get a million errors. I've read through various instructions such as these: http://wiki.yetanotherforum.net/embeddedYaf.ashx, but I just can't get anything to work. I've attempted combining the web.configs and everything and I just keep hitting roadblocks. I feel like I must be missing some fundamental bit of understanding here. All I want is for YAF to run in Visual Studio 2008's development server. If anyone could help me out I'd be beyond appreciative. Thanks.

Posted by: Jaben - Monday, 15 November 2010 20:10:09
I suggest you load the yetanotherforum.net.sln (Solution file) directly in VS2008. Loading it via a web site is not a good method as YAF is a compiled application -- not a web site. You can keep your web site pointed to the \YetAnotherForum directory and when you build YAF it will automatically put all the updated files in the \YetAnotherForum\bin directory.

Posted by: caiman8 - Wednesday, 17 November 2010 19:44:27
OK thanks! I've gotten YAF to load in VS2008 by loading the .sln file. However, how do I get my website to "point" to the YAF directory without loading the YAF directory into VS2008?

Posted by: Kamyar - Thursday, 18 November 2010 10:26:13
When you load the .sln file, the web application is loaded too (named YAF). There's no need to do anything if you want to use the Visual Studio built in server instead of IIS. just change the db.config, set config password in app.config and fire up the site.