  • vitop
  • 51.8% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
15 years ago

I managed to get YAF install to work without any problems, but now I am trying to get a French forum going in the subfolder of the main install.

I.e. main (english) install is in yaf.mysite.com (BoardId = 1), and the french one is in yaf.mysite.com/fr (BoardId = 3)

I am having trouble getting BBCode labels to show proper language - it reverts back to english.

I am using the GetText() method to retreive my text, and for that I instantiated the yaf.pages.ForumPage in the yaf.editor.BBCodeEditor.Render method.

I created the node in my french language file (/fr/languages/french.xml) and I am trying to read from it, but for some reason, in the LoadTranslation() method I can see that the BoardSettings revert back to my root folder (BoardId = 1).

What is even stranger, when I track down which file I am reading the labels for the BBCode from, it turns out that they are coming from the /fr/languages/english.xml (so the path is right, even if the filename is wrong).

To top it all off, it turns out that some of the labels are coming from the node!

English board works just fine, and uses all the right labels from all the right XML nodes.

I tried putting in into config section, and that did not help.

If anyone has any insight into this, please share.

Thanks a lot.
