  • nagsline
  • 59% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
14 years ago
Hi I've configured yetanother forum in my website.. everything is working fine but when I try to change my avatar it is not possible to change. Even it is not displaying existing avatars in my forum.

How can i do it.

Can some one register in my forum and tell me wats the wrong with this?

here is my forum details


Thank you

14 years ago
The second bug has been fixed in the latest sourcecode.Also give it a try in this forum to see if it is ok.

  • SteveM
  • 50.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
14 years ago
This post is a bit old but I am having a similar issue. I have loaded 1.9.4 RC1 and it seems to be working fine but I'm having an issue with the avatars. I can see and select an avatar but the avatar does not display and I do not get an "Update" button. I have YAF installed in a sub folder. So far I have not experienced any other issues.



Brief Update: I enabled User Avatar Uploading and an Uploaded Avatar displays properly but a selected Avatar from the website does not. I am hosted by GoDaddy and using IIS6. I have also noticed that I get no entries displayed under My Topics.

  • RichP714
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF All-the-Time
14 years ago

This post is a bit old but I am having a similar issue. I have loaded 1.9.4 RC1 and it seems to be working fine but I'm having an issue with the avatars. I can see and select an avatar but the avatar does not display and I do not get an "Update" button. I have YAF installed in a sub folder. So far I have not experienced any other issues.



Brief Update: I enabled User Avatar Uploading and an Uploaded Avatar displays properly but a selected Avatar from the website does not. I am hosted by GoDaddy and using IIS6. I have also noticed that I get no entries displayed under My Topics.

SteveM wrote:

RUnning 1.9.4 RC1 in a subfolder on Godaddy.

I have same avatar behavior (can upload from my computer, can see and select avatars from 'click to select avatar' but the current avatar window shows a red X.)

Running GOdaddy IIS7.

Mytopics works, but 'thanks' and 'tag as favorite' buttons don't


Running YAF final at: http://thecarversite.com