  • sukhsandhu
  • 50.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
14 years ago
My YAF forum which was on g8pals.com/chat has been changed automatically recently, When I changed my admin user settings and now I am not able to access it at all.

Could anyone please suggest me if I can restore it to the previous version? Or upgrade it? Many thanks for your kind help.

  • DJGray
  • 88.8% (Honored)
  • YAF Commander
14 years ago

My YAF forum which was on g8pals.com/chat has been changed automatically recently, When I changed my admin user settings and now I am not able to access it at all.

Could anyone please suggest me if I can restore it to the previous version? Or upgrade it? Many thanks for your kind help.

sukhsandhu wrote:

I'm not entirely clear what you're describing. Did you change the administrative password? Did you change it related to your database? Does the password in your config connect string still match what it should be for access to the DB? If YAF cannot access the DB, it will put up a friendly screen saying that a "serious error" has occured with a link to try again. Is that what you're seeing?