  • slim182
  • 52.4% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
15 years ago
Hello, I need to install a ASP.NET forum for spanish people, some questions:

- Can I do it to be by default in spanish?

- When somebody registers or ask for password is the email going to be in spanish?

- Are all the features going to be fully translated and working?

I know in english the forum works fine, but I never tried it in spanish


  • imukai
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Commander
15 years ago
Under Admin / Board Settings you'll see the default language set to English. Change it to Spanish.

Under Admin / Host Settings / Permissions there's a checkbox to allow users to change the language themselves - though that's after they have signed up. The default would be in Spanish for registration.

I cannot speak for how fully translated the Spanish language file is, but as it is a common language I would presume that it is.