  • Kharcoff
  • 53% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
15 years ago

My app is using Custom membership and role providers, I do not use profile provider, but a custom user table. How would one go to use YAF profile provider with this scenario?

15 years ago
Profile providers are a little tricky because they need information from the membership provider and don't have a clean (decoupled) way of getting it. The stored procedures behind the SqlProfileProvider and YafProfileProvider directly access the corresponding user/membership table.

Since you're using a custom membership provider, I see you having two options:

1) Write a custom profile provider. You can still use your user table, but those values would be available through the profile class. Of course, you'll either have to support dynamic properties or hard-code the properties you (and yaf) are using.

2) Use the YafProfileProvider, but modify the 4 stored procedures to access your membership/user table for what it needs.

#1 (with dynamic properties) is the best choice in the long run because you won't have to worry about modifying it when new versions of yaf come out or you need to add new properties. However, it'll take the longest time to initially implement.

#2 is the quickest fix, but you'll have to document your changes so when you update yaf versions in the future (which will overwrite your changes to their stored procedures) you can redo your modifications.

not jsheLPer

  • Kharcoff
  • 53% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
15 years ago
Is it possible to have custom membership and role for the main app and leave standard YAF membership, role and profile only to manage forums? How will the web.config looks like?


15 years ago
I have a roll your own membership and profile system, so what would be the best way too?

Couldnt we just make a call to the YAF membership provider when creating a new user and logging in?

[url=http://craigwhiteman.blogspot.com.au/]Capt. ArkCAW HonourNRespect- Need an Ark? I Noah Guy![url]

15 years ago

Is it possible to have custom membership and role for the main app and leave standard YAF membership, role and profile only to manage forums?

Kharcoff wrote:

Possible? Yes. Practical? No. If you have yaf using a different membership provider than your site, then they won't share user info.

not jsheLPer

  • bb1769
  • 50.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
15 years ago
I had this kind of situation - I inherited a site with a roll-your-own user database and login system. I wanted to implement the new version of YAF with the .NET membership provider. Originally I wanted to integrate YAF into my website, but my site is written in VB and I didn't want to rewrite all the App_Code files. So I had to tack on YAF as a separate application. In my case YAF lives in a subfolder of the main website, but it's set as its own IIS application.

The code found in the Wiki and some other postings for integrating with YAF logins won't work with the new YAF version. Those postings say to call yaf.DB.user_register or the like, but they don't work with the new YAF.

Here's a rundown on what I did. I won't claim this is the ideal method, but it's working for me so far. Some of this is a little foggy on the early details - sorry, it's been a several-weeks process. This isn't easy and I wouldn't recommend it unless you're somewhat experienced with .NET.

1. Extracted the YAF files into a subfolder (here called Forum2) of my website. I'm using the .NET 3.5 version, though the 2.0 version should be similar.

2. Copied Forum2/webconfigs/recommended-web.config to Forum2/web.config, overwriting the existing one.

3. (I think this was next) Modified the Forum2/db.config to add the connection string to my SQL Server. In my case I'm using an existing database, so the installer adds the YAF tables to it with the yaf prefix.

4. Used IIS Manager to create the Forum2 folder as an application.

5. Ran the YAF installer (Forum2/install/default.aspx) and went through the wizard for initial settings.

Now comes the tricky part - getting YAF and main website to talk.

6. In Visual Studio, I added the Forum2 website to my Visual Studio project along with the main website - so I have a VS solution with 2 websites. Then, right-clicked on the main website and clicked Add Reference..., browsed to the YAF bin directory, and added all the DLLs there. Note that includes the AjaxControlToolkit.dll - if you're already using that or a different version, you might run into version conflicts that require some web.config settings I won't describe here.

7. Copied the and elements from the Forum2/web.config into my main site's web.config. Now that I think about, probably only is really needed unless you need to coordinate permissions by roles with your own site.

8. I see I also copied the settings from the Forum2/app.config to my main web.config's section, though not sure that's essential. I seemed to have need at least YAF.DatabaseObjectQualifier and YAF.DatabaseOwner.

9. Added a section to both web.config's with the same values. This allows the main website to create an encrypted session key for the login that the YAF site can decrypt. Put this within the section. Change the keys to a random 48-hex-character value of your own (I used RoboForm to generate my keys).

<machineKey validationKey="DBAEF98E532D4161826F8351C794DFD27C0F814262FD6986"
          validation="SHA1" decryption="AES" />

10. Added a forms authentication section to each web.config, with the same values for name, path and protection. I set the loginUrl to the location of my main website's login page, which is "MemberLogin.aspx" in the main web.config and "../MemberLogin.aspx" in the Forum2 web.config. The "/" path allows the authentication cookie to be used by any application from the root of the web server.

<authentication mode="Forms">
   <forms name=".YAFNET_Authentication" protection="All" timeout="120" cookieless="UseCookies"
   loginUrl="../MemberLogin.aspx" path="/" />

Now to the code changes...

11. In the YAF code, in App_Code/YAF/Forum.cs, modified the Forum_Load method to redirect the user when they click the login or logout links to my main website's login/logout. This goes immediately after the if/else statement where the _page variable is set. The query string parameters are used to redirect the user back to the forum on login/logout.

// Redirect to main login or logout page
if (_page == ForumPages.login)
   Response.Redirect("../MemberLogin.aspx?ReturnForum=1", true);
else if (_page == ForumPages.logout)
   Response.Redirect("../MemberLogout.aspx?path=Forum2/Default.aspx", true);

12. In my main site's login page (MemberLogin.aspx), add a handler for the login authentication event. My site originally had a custom login form. I changed this to use a standard ASP.NET Login control, though it may not have been necessary. I then created the stub for the authenticate method by selecting the Login control in design mode, and in the Properties area, switched to the Events (lightning bolt icon), and double-clicked on the Authenticate line. This can also just be added to the code-behind file.

Note the code below is mostly my own, old website's authentication code, including creating my custom Member class object and calling a separate method (GetMember) to authenticate the user against my main website's database. Your site will have different code but the same principle.

Protected Sub Login1_Authenticate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.AuthenticateEventArgs) 

Handles Login1.Authenticate
        Dim userName As String = Login1.UserName
        Dim pwd As String = Login1.Password

        If String.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(pwd) Then
            lblInstructions.Text = "Please enter both email and password to continue."
        End If

        ' Get the member  object (custom method to authenticate against my custom user database)
        Dim theMember As Member = GetMember(userName, pwd)

        If theMember IsNot Nothing Then

            ' Set ASP.NET forms authentication, which is used in YAF forum
            e.Authenticated = True
            ' Call a custom method to check the user agains the YAF membership provider (see below)

            Dim redir As String
            ' Redirect to Forum if from there
            If Request.QueryString("ReturnForum") IsNot Nothing Then
                redir = "Forum2/Default.aspx"
                redir = Request.QueryString("ReturnPath") 
            End If

            lblInstructions.Text = "Invalid E-mail address or password, or system error.  Please try again or contact 

membership support."
        End If
    End Sub

The above method calls a method on the Member class that validates the user against the YAF provider and also sets the authentication cookie that YAF will use to recognize the user. I could have put this code in the method above, but I needed to reuse it when members are created, so I added it separately. Note that if the member isn't in the YAF provider, I go ahead and add it. I didn't want to have to recreate all my members from my main membership database up front in the YAF provider, so this adds them as they log into the site.

Public Class Member
    Public Sub MembershipAuthenticate()
        ' Check the YAF membership provider - add if not yet present
        If Not Membership.ValidateUser(Me.userName, Me.password) Then
            Membership.CreateUser(Me.primaryEmail, Me.password, Me.primaryEmail)
        End If

        ' Create forms authentication cookie for YAF forum
        Dim ticket As New FormsAuthenticationTicket( _
            1, Me.userName, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(30), _
            False, "", "/")
        Dim encTicket As String = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket)
        Dim authCookie As New HttpCookie(".YAFNET_Authentication", encTicket)
        authCookie.Path = "/"
    End Sub
End Class

Make sure you set the username correctly in the FormsAuthenticationTicket constructor (in my case it's a property of the member, Me.userName). I had originally used the User.Identity.Name, but of course that's empty at this point, so the login wasn't recognized by the forum until I got the username right.

13. Added code to create the user in the YAF provider when they are created in the main database. The add-member code already created the Member object, so I just called the CreateUser membership method, and then called the Member.MembershipAuthenticate method to ensure the new member is able to immediately visit the forum.

' Insert member into YAF provider database and authenticate for YAF forum
Membership.CreateUser(myMember.userName, myMember.password, myMember.email)

14. Added code to logout the user from either the forum or the main site. In my case, the main site used a user control to handle the logout, so I added code to its logout event to also remove the forms authentication, which is simply:

' remove authentication for YAF forum

Since the Forum site can't send users to the user control directly, I created a separate page (MemberLogout.aspx) and in its Page_Init event, I duplicated the code to log the user out of both systems and redirect back to the forum. This probably could be done more elegantly, but it works.

    Protected Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
        Dim returnPath As String = Request.QueryString("path")

        ' Remove main site member
        Session("Member") = Nothing

        ' Remove YAF authentication

        ' Send user to page specified in query string
        Response.Redirect(returnPath, True)
    End Sub

I think that's it. Now the forum redirects to the main website for the login, and once the users are logged in, they can navigate between sites. Of course I also had to do work to link the sites, by adding a banner with hyperlinks to the forum so users think they're in the original website, and then link to the forum from the main site.

If I think of more details later on I'll repost with them.

15 years ago

I had this kind of situation - I inherited a site with a roll-your-own user database and login system. I wanted to implement the new version of YAF with the .NET membership provider. Originally I wanted to integrate YAF into my website, but my site is written in VB and I didn't want to rewrite all the App_Code files. So I had to tack on YAF as a separate application. In my case YAF lives in a subfolder of the main website, but it's set as its own IIS application.


bb1769 wrote:

In your case, you should use feature of .net 2.0 by using such lines in your web.config

<compilation defaultLanguage="c#">
        <add directoryName="YAF" />
        <add directoryName="AnotherCodeSubfolder" />
It will give you possibility to use vb with c#

- - - - - -

to topic author,

I'm currently looking to integrate website with YAF (or YAF with web site) as it is best solution. About sharing users when using 2 providers.. of course, the sense of this feature is to provide any sort of membership, so it will be non-logical to hard-code 2 providers into one hybrid.

  • kar
  • 53.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
15 years ago

This is new for me. i am trying to integrate the forum with my web site(blogengine.net) & compiling two application separately

The thing is ,I am using XML in blogengine & db (SQLserver) in forum. How can i integrate forum with my blogengine site..? .

Authentication like this in forums web.config .


protection="All" timeout="20">


Authentication like this in blogengines web.config .






defaultUrl="my forums url">

i added this code in blogengins loginpage(i used this code for retrive the username and password from forums db )

SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=*******;initial catalog=*****;User Id=*****;Password=*****;Integrated Security=true;");

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserName", txtUname.Value.Trim());

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Password", txtPword.Value.Trim());

cmd.CommandText = "Select * from yaf_User where Name=@UserName and Password=@Password";

cmd.Connection = con;

SqlDataReader dr;


dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

if (dr.Read())


lblMsg.Text = "Invalid Login!";

lblMsg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;





FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(txtUname.Value, false);


if i login to blogengine , its not auto loging to forum.its showing forums login page once again.

Plz help me to do this..or any other method?

  • kcabrams
  • 50.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
14 years ago