  • dbernett
  • 57.8% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
15 years ago
Still learning the forum. We've rolled out to a test group and it seems to work great! Here is a simple question.

Can you set a user up (or can a user set themselves up) to receive an email alert every time a topic is created under a certain forum?

I have 5 service lines set up as forums and I would like a moderator to get an email (not to approve) but to be alerted there was a new topic post.

Thank you.

15 years ago
I too would be interested in finding out if this is possible. Actually, I would like the ability to extend this to receiving an email every time a post is made (I know this will generate a lot of emails!), but the ability to receive an email for each new topic would be great start.
15 years ago
I think an RSS feed would be more appropriate and easier to implement.

not jsheLPer

15 years ago
In fact, the RSS feed already is implemented.

Topics have an RSS feed. When in the topic, look at the topic header and to the right, you should see an Options link. Click that will show a menu where the RSS feed is.

Forums have an RSS feed. When in a forum, look at the bottom-right (same line as the show topics dropdown) and you'll see "Watch Forum | Mark this forum as Read | Rss Feed".

And look, there's a "Watch Forum" link that (presumably) sends an email when a new topic is posted in that forum.

not jsheLPer