  • Adriano
  • 56.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
15 years ago

I was working on updating Y.A.F to include chat a few months ago for a project that fell throw.

Any way I had some free time and I thought id finish it.

Let me know if you come across any bugs.

Ps If you use the chat in your forum please leave a link hear. I would like to see it in action.


  • eruiz34
  • 50.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
15 years ago

My english is not perfect but i try to ask you something. How im install the chat on a already forum uploaded. I have yet another forum installed on websitepalace.com servers. What are the necessary files to be uploades & what files i need to edit in my original ones. Please reply me soon.

  • Adriano
  • 56.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
15 years ago
Which version of Y.A.F are you using let me know and I will send you the pre compiled chat files for upload and install instructions.

I am currently working on integrating chat in YAF-v1.9.3-FINAL-SRC as well. Will be done in two or three days.

  • ddscart
  • 88.4% (Honored)
  • YAF Lover
15 years ago
I’m using version (NET v2.0). I have been watching the shout box thread in another posting. As I cannot compile anything yet, I would love to have the compiled files and instructions for installing.

I have been trying to update to 1.9.3, but I don’t seem to be having much luck yet. My host is Godaddy and I cannot read errors. I believe my attempts to merge the new and old web.config files are not being done right. I’ll keep trying!



Disabled Dachshund Society of Georgia

  • Adriano
  • 56.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
15 years ago

Here are the compiled files you need and instructions.

1. Copy the files in folder (YAF-v1.9.1.8-FINAL-SRC chat update) to the server

2. Add the files in (bin) folder to the (bin) folder on your server

3. Copy the folders (css) and (js) to server

4. From the (pages) folder copy files (forum.ascx, posts.ascx, topics.ascx) and the folder (controls)

To the (pages)folder on the server over write the three files (forum.ascx, posts.ascx, topics.ascx) currently in the (pages) folder on the server. (Before you over write the three files on the server save a copy of them to be safe)

(Do not over write any folders on the server the already exist simply add the files inside the folder to the folder on the server)

That’s it let me know if you run in to any difficulty.

  • ddscart
  • 88.4% (Honored)
  • YAF Lover
15 years ago
It added a message box (the chat box) that said, “Loading”, forever. It added a box for Goggle and than you tube not needed or wanted. It did not conform to the forum width. And worst of all, it took forever to load!!!!

It did install as you said, but has no value for me.

Thanks anyway, but I'll go back to the other thread!!!


Disabled Dachshund Society of Georgia

  • ddscart
  • 88.4% (Honored)
  • YAF Lover
15 years ago
I tried again this morning and it loads much better. Maybe my system was the problem. With some looking, I think I can get rid of the second box (Iframe) that is intended for advertisement.

At first glance, I don’t see where the content of the chat box is stored. I hope it’s in my forums database and not on some other site.

I’ll give some time to it and see if I can make it work for me.

I’m using IE, I think I’ll try it in Foxfire and see if it loads faster.


Disabled Dachshund Society of Georgia

  • Adriano
  • 56.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
15 years ago
I tested it in IE, Opera, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and noticed it takes time to load in (Mozilla Firefox) lodes reasonably well in the other three.

Will correct the load issue in (Mozilla Firefox) with a update soon.

As for conform to the forum width I think you have not set the width of your forum so if someone resizes the browser will browsing it will not display properly. (Even without resize sing the browser it may not display correctly until you set the width in (default.aspx) file)

To set with open (default.aspx) search for (<body>)  and replace with (<body style="width: 1239px; position: static">)
  • ddscart
  • 88.4% (Honored)
  • YAF Lover
15 years ago
The second box is what takes the time to load for me. I think I can stop that by putting something else in it. Maybe a simple graphic would work. Maybe in time I’ll put something site related in it or just remove it.

I am impressed with how easy it was to load and make it work. Gdaddy hosts my site and everything seems to be a problem. Over all, I think you did a good job with this. This morning, it seems to be working very well. Sorry about the attitude!

It seemed to work the same in Firefox as it did in IE.


Disabled Dachshund Society of Georgia

  • ddscart
  • 88.4% (Honored)
  • YAF Lover
15 years ago
I went into the iframewindows file and removed everything from the second box. It’s there still, but nothing is in it.

It now loads fast and works very well. If I add another site into it, it will take more time to load again. I think I’ll go back in and do away with the second box and work on the width thing.

It’s a good, well working chatbox that needs only to be tweaked to one preferences.

Good work!!


Disabled Dachshund Society of Georgia

  • ddscart
  • 88.4% (Honored)
  • YAF Lover
15 years ago
It bothered me big time that each time a page was loaded, the screen would scroll down to the bottom to the chat box. The “Message” input textbox had the “Setfocus” set.

Goto “Chat.aspx” and at the bottom find, “setFocus('mytext');” and delete it. The forum will no longer jump to the bottom.

The chat in the box disappears after some period of time, is that normal? Where is the data stored?

The forum I have this in is a total test forum, so nothing good is there. Here is the chat box though.



Disabled Dachshund Society of Georgia

  • ddscart
  • 88.4% (Honored)
  • YAF Lover
15 years ago

As for conform to the forum width I think you have not set the width of your forum so if someone resizes the browser will browsing it will not display properly. (Even without resize sing the browser it may not display correctly until you set the width in (default.aspx) file)

Adriano wrote:

I replaced with (, didn't help. the chat and user boxes are still wider the the forum.


Disabled Dachshund Society of Georgia

  • Adriano
  • 56.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
15 years ago
Yes I noticed in your test forum the width problem in IE when resizing the browser your forum displays perfectly in ( Opera, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox). No with problem.

At first when I was testing the chat I did not notice the width problem because it only occurs when resizing the browser. But when I modified the body tag their was no problem in all browsers

You could put a table or an empty label at the bottom of the default.aspx page and set the width on that to correct the problem.

The chat box is a very simple one it users Arrays to store data once the member leves the forum and there is no one browsing the forum their chat will be lost or in an active chat when their old antry becomes the 20th it will be deleted.

If there are users contentedly browsing your site the chat won’t be lost

15 years ago
Hi, any chances to have source for 1.9.3 final version? I'm curious to see it...

Any screen of it?



  • Adriano
  • 56.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
15 years ago
Hear is chat for YAF 1.9.3 Net2.0 same installation as before. (Over write existing files in folders (bin, controls, pages) Set the width and design to your needs.

Here is a test forum I just setup and hear is a user name and password to login to use it (will be deleting the user account in a few days)

User Name : guest

Password : guest@guest



Made a small mistake in the upload file if you download it and installed it will have load issues. (don’t download it) hear is the correct one. http://forum.yetanotherforum.net/resource.ashx?a=487