  • xuanvu
  • 78.8% (Friendly)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
15 years ago
Hi all,

I want to use some of YAF user controls (such as controls>ProfileYourAccount.ascx, etc...), but in order to load the user' information, it needs "PageContext.PageUserID", where can I get this value?



15 years ago
I ran across this post while trying to figure out the same issue, and while I suspect it's too late to help this poster, perhaps somebody else will need this information at some point in the future. Perhaps I can save somebody else the time I spend digging through the source (although there is value in doing so).

I solved the problem by putting the following in my master page:

If you don't have a master page you will need to put that line into each .aspx file that needs to use YAF controls.

My divination of the code lead me to the conclusion that the PageContext is built dynamically, and to try to recreate all or part of this functionality outside the YAF:Forum object would be onerous. My assumption is that the author specifically included the Visible property in the YAF:Forum tag for this very reason.

However, I don't pretend to know whether there are any downsides or risks to using the control in this manner.

  • pbwbart
  • 56.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
15 years ago
I have a simular problem.

The only difference is that I don't use a webapplication where I need the PageContext.

Do you know how I can set the pagecontext using a desktop application or in my case using a service?

If I have to use parameters or Id's which are stored in the database for a user that is no problem. I can copy them directly into my source if I have to to simulate some kind of session.