  • watadoo
  • 79.4% (Friendly)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
15 years ago
What exactly is this feature? I enabled it during testing and saw it appear as an option when posting. password field, etc. But which blog, I have many.

Actually, is there any extensive product documentation of site area where i can get info on this and other issues rather than keep posting probably annoying questions here in the general forum? Also needed an explanation of the points system. I'm not sure what it is or how it is calculated and what can be done with it. i.e. posts as a part of a forumula for role/rank advancement perhaps?

thanks for indulging my questions. Loving the software so far, btw.

"Which is worse, ignorance or indifference?"

"I don't know, and I don't care."


  • watadoo
  • 79.4% (Friendly)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
15 years ago
Don't mean to be a post bumper, but I never got a reply to this query and I can't find any info on "post to blog" anywhere. Can someone please give me a moment or two. I'm befuddled by this feature -- why would I possibly want to port a post to one of my blogs?
"Which is worse, ignorance or indifference?"

"I don't know, and I don't care."


  • Mek
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer
15 years ago
Now I've never used this feature, but my understanding is that it shuold work with any blog that uses the weblogapi.

Points - needs a drastic overhaul. afaik it adds 1 point per reply, 3 points per new topic, -10 for deletion. Completely uncustomistable.


"It's a case of RTFM.. the only problem being we don't have a manual!"

When I post FP:Mek in a topic, I'm leaving my footprint there so I can track it once I get into coding/supporting. (Yes I stole this off Ederon 🙂 )

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