  • PikaPiko
  • 51.2% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
15 years ago

I'm a complete newbie when it comes to working with forums, but have been trying to come up to speed with the documentation here and on the wiki. Since I'm very new to the lingo here and have little experience working with code, I was hoping someone might be able to spell out simply what my problems might be with install. I apologize in advance for requesting what is probably obvious to most people here.

I'm working with Godaddy, had them upload the YAF app, and created a database. I went thru the install.txt and it seemed that the files uploaded according to the changes mentioned in the instructions. I've been trying to launch default.aspx. It comes up, but the fields where I'm supposed to enter the information and/or click for the next step do not exist. I'm using Safari on a Mac OSX, if that matters.

If anyone could advise on what's happening and what I can do, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

  • PikaPiko
  • 51.2% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
15 years ago
I did finally figure out what I was doing wrong. Complete user error. I'm sorry if the thread wasted anyone's time.
  • Mek
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer
15 years ago
Glad you got it sorted. Happy YAFing.


"It's a case of RTFM.. the only problem being we don't have a manual!"

When I post FP:Mek in a topic, I'm leaving my footprint there so I can track it once I get into coding/supporting. (Yes I stole this off Ederon 🙂 )