  • rohanreddy
  • 51.8% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
16 years ago

I want to integrat YAF into my application and was trying different features.

In admin control panel, there is option to create a new board. It is good to see that YAF supports unlimited boards. I created a new board but I am not able to figure out the way to access that board as only the default board is visible in all cases.

Please help me out on how to access the new board other than the default one. Do I need to change any query parameters? if so what are those parameters and values.



  • Mek
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer
16 years ago
Two methods, either change the BoardID in the yafnet.config (or app.config if 1.93). Or in the actually contorl of the default.aspx just change the BoardID i.e.


"It's a case of RTFM.. the only problem being we don't have a manual!"

When I post FP:Mek in a topic, I'm leaving my footprint there so I can track it once I get into coding/supporting. (Yes I stole this off Ederon 🙂 )