  • dell3
  • 51.8% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
16 years ago
I did not provide an object qualifier for my database objects (e.g. "yaf_"), as a result, any stored procedure script that references the "USER" table failed unless the "User" table was placed in brackets.

FAILS: Select * from [forums].User --User is a keyword in SQL Server

CORRECTED: Select * from [forums].[User]

How to fix procedures.sql

IMPORTANT: Make sure Match Whole Words Only is selected.

Step 1


Search for: {objectQualifier}User

Replace with: [{databaseOwner}].[{objectQualifier}User]

--Step 2 Removes the double brackets {i.e. "[[" and "]]" } from the items that were once correct


Search for: [{databaseOwner}].[[{databaseOwner}].[{objectQualifier}User]]

Replace with: [{databaseOwner}].[{objectQualifier}User]

I think there are four procedures affected. This was the easiest way for me to fix the SQL script.
