  • MrData
  • 62.6% (Friendly)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
17 years ago

first of all: Great Work :!: :!: :cheesy:

I have downloaded the latest version (1.9.3) of YAF via SVN and convertet it to a Visual Web Developer 2005 Project, because there are some issues in YAF, so that it won't compile in VWD.

I hope someome find this useful.

How to install:

- decompress the RAR (sorry the upload of ZIP don't work 😞 )

- open the Folder in VWD

- goto APP_DATA -> right click -> an create an new Database named: Forum.mdf (you can rename it in the app.config)

- start the website ... done


- Moved all code in the APP_CODE-folder, now you don't need to compile the YAF.DLL because it will be automatic fully compiled by the webserver :arrow: Now it's possible to edit the source complet e.g. with notepad on your server without an installed version of visual studio or vwd, then start the page and the IIS will recompile it

- deleted the designer.cs and resx-files, because they are not needed

- changed in all ascx-files in <%@ Control ... the "Codebehind" to "CodeFile=" / created an new Class (Tools) / Fixed some bugs in the code and stored procedures

- Note that the web.config has changed; don't remove the

- updated the German translation (now 1.9.3 compatible)

  • Ederon
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer
17 years ago
1.9.3 version will change yet. I suggest people to use it with caution as there is yet some testing to be done and it is certainly not ready for production - it's not even released yet. But feedback is welcome. It'll help us finish 1.9.3 earlier. ;)

EDIT: Thanks for update of German translation, I'll update it in SVN.

When I post FP:Ederon in a topic, I'm leaving my footprint there so I can track it once I get into coding/supporting.
17 years ago

I have a problem related to this topic. I referenced the yaf dll in Visual Developer Express 2005, opened the code and made my customizations. Then I run it but my changes were ignored, it looks like it uses the original dll and ignores my changes. How can I recompile the dll so it contains my modifications?:?:

Thanks a lot!


  • Jaben
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer
17 years ago
Thanks for these changes, MrData. I'll need to go over this project. I have strongly considered making YAF "Dynamic Generation" and am curious how well this all works. This looks quite nicely organized and VERY easy to modify!
17 years ago
This VWD project helped me a lot to understand YAF. As noob as it sounds, the step-by-step on the wiki was not as helpfull as i would like. Still, there is the version problem: 1.9.3 is not final and should change, as noted previously. Is there any chance someone could help me setting up Visual Web Developer to work with YAF? Im sure that simplifying development and deployment could help spread this great software among developers.
  • yoyoyo
  • 54.8% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
17 years ago
i'm confused does this mean that yaf forum is not compatible with visual web developer 2005?
  • Jaben
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer
17 years ago
v1.9.3.3 is compatible with VWD.
  • yoyoyo
  • 54.8% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
17 years ago
  • spa
  • 53.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
16 years ago

I like your converted yaf vwd2005 version, especially breaking the big yaf.dll into readable objects. I am trying to setup your code in VS2005 and SQL2005, while I have an error message on the third install step that it could not connect to the SQL database. (The database and connectionstring are OK as I could see.) Could you please advice what could I do to make it work? Thanks a lot.

  • MrData
  • 62.6% (Friendly)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
16 years ago
I think you've got the error because you are using the Standard Edition of SQL Server 2005! MDF-Files in the App_Data-Path will only work with the SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, because only in Express Edition there is a feature called "User Instances". You may take a look at: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms247257(VS.80).aspx 

On SQL Server 2005 Standard you have to create the new database with SQL Server Management Studio (Express) and change the connect string in the app.config in something like that:

  • spa
  • 53.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
16 years ago

Thanks for coming back on my question.

It's right that I use the SQL server developer edition. I did not create the database as you mentioned in the intall instruction. What I did is a bit like you mentioned in your reply to my question

- I created the database using SQL server management studio, I named the database forums_yafvwd. Is the name change matters?

- then in VS 2005, I created the connectionstring in server Explorer against this database forums_yafvwd, and I copied the connection string to the connection string in web.config.

Then I put the application under IIS and lauched the application in IIS. The install goes fine until the step "Create Forum". By this step, I could see the database, views, stored procedures are all created in the database. I see them in SQL server management studio. But I could not see the triggers yet at this stage.

Then the issue comes. When I validate this step by click next, it comes the message that it could not connect to SQL server database. So I wonder the issue?

- is it because the user instance? It must matters, where I could change then?

- is it because I have to put in a real smtp? I am testing in IIS, I don't know what to put there.

Really want to make it works too in VS2005 and against SQL 2005. Thanks for further advice.

  • MrData
  • 62.6% (Friendly)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
16 years ago

I have one question. Did you downloaded my archive from the first post? Because I had posted this archive nearly a year ago. Meanwhile the actual 1.9.3 is also compatible with VWD and you can change and build the site without compiling the yaf.dll. You can disable it in the web.config. Just download the current version via SVN.

I assume that your issue comes from missing the aspnetdb.mdf which does not exist in your database instance. In the current 1.9.3 Version the membership tables are included in the YAF database.

If this was not the solution of your issue, I think there may be a security problem in your database instance. Make sure that the autogenerated user from the IIS and the ASPNET user have enough rights in the database.

  • spa
  • 53.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
16 years ago
I come to discover .net and C# not long time ago. Recently I come to the need of a forum platform, and come to discover yaf, a wonderful forum template. Further, I had the chance to see your rework of the yaf_vwd193 version.

I need more member attribute than allowed by the aspnetdb, so I choose not to use the membership function. That would explain well my issue. Thanks again.

  • MrData
  • 62.6% (Friendly)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
16 years ago

I need more member attribute than allowed by the aspnetdb, so I choose not to use the membership function.

spa wrote:

What do you mean with "more member attributes"? Additional information for a member like postal code or gps coordinates ...? Then you may take a look at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/2y3fs9xs(VS.80).aspx  (the keyword in ASP.NET is "Profile" ) It's also supported in YAF.

If your attributes need to be stored in multiple tables just use the MembershipUser.ProviderUserKey as foreign key in the other tables. It's a GUID wich is unique for every user.

  • spa
  • 53.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
16 years ago
My understanding of profile is very limited. Actually I am more on the business side. Based on readying this part of .NET, my issue with membership and profile could come from two folds:

1. I would need to plan for two types of users to login through different functional areas of the application. I do not plan to include them in the same user table. I wonder membership and profile could handle this. Or the user identification and authorization would be better done directly through custom ADO.NET codes.

2. I understand although pretty much any user attributes could be included in the Profile, all of them are inserted in a single cell and make it hard to retrieve code. The service of the application would heavily depend on the profile of each user, so I would need to be able to retrieve and regroup the user attribute easily. Then I have two choices, either using a custom profile provider or using custom ADO.NET codes and pass by Profile. I understand ADO.NET would give better flexibility.

That's pretty much where I am on this, and I would need to investigate further. If you have experience on this area, your idea is appreciated.