  • degree11
  • 61.4% (Friendly)
  • YAF Camper Topic Starter
4 years ago
We have added our custom membership and our members ar added to the database.

1. The problem is YAF members stopped working - first question is why?

2. The second question is how to set another (custom member) as an admin via database? I have added added a record to UserGroup page with aadmin id and also changed rank in User table to 1. Logged out and in and the user is still ordinary user. What else to set?

  • degree11
  • 61.4% (Friendly)
  • YAF Camper Topic Starter
4 years ago
Can anyone advise?
  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
4 years ago
1. Can you explain the problem? What error did you get?

2. For the Group the IsAdmin flag needs to be set. Admin > Groups > Edit Group > Check Is Admin

  • degree11
  • 61.4% (Friendly)
  • YAF Camper Topic Starter
4 years ago

1. Can you explain the problem? What error did you get?

2. For the Group the IsAdmin flag needs to be set. Admin > Groups > Edit Group > Check Is Admin

Originally Posted by: tha_watcha 

1. The problem is that we don't have any admin atm to set up someone else as an admin because we implemented our own membership and none of our own members is an admin. So I want to know how to set up admin programmatically in the db or anywhere where it is settable (expect the admin panel to which no one has access atm).

2. There is no such submenu Groups under Admin and also none of our users has access to Admin anyway - it displays "Host Admin permissions required!" when I try to access any of the admin pages.

I have hardcoded one of our users as belonging to "Administrators" group so I can see the admin navigation but none of the admin pages is accessible.

flag is true however
is false and
is also false.
  • degree11
  • 61.4% (Friendly)
  • YAF Camper Topic Starter
4 years ago
I have managed to make IsHostAdmin true by changing Flags value for the user in the db.
  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
4 years ago
The menu entry should be admin > user and roles > roles.

By default all pages are disabled for Admins. As host you need to set Read access for the pages under host > admin page access.

Or manually via the Admin Page User Access table.