  • guest
  • Guest Topic Starter
19 years ago

Is there a way to allow users to "subscribe" to a thread and then whenever a new message is posted and email alerting them as such is sent to them?

P.S., thanks to the author of this software! It looks really nice!


  • mma
  • Guest Topic Starter
19 years ago
You can subscribe only whole forums and not distinct topics by the "Watch forum" button.
  • guest
  • Guest Topic Starter
19 years ago
When are the emails sent and who are they sent by? Is there a trigger on the table or something?
  • mma
  • Guest Topic Starter
19 years ago


Is there a way to allow users to "subscribe" to a thread and then whenever a new message is posted and email alerting them as such is sent to them?


jasonbub wrote:

Pardon for my previous answer, now I see that you can watch a single topic too. The "Watch this topic" menuitem is behind the Options button.

  • guest
  • Guest Topic Starter
19 years ago
Nice! I hadn't noticed that either :)

Have you figured out exactly what the mechanism is used for sending the email? Is it a trigger on one of the tables? It's just wierd, sometimes it takes me logging into the forum and then an Internet Explorer dialog pops up that say "1 email sent". Then all of a sudden I get an email in the inbox.

  • mma
  • Guest Topic Starter
19 years ago

When are the emails sent and who are they sent by? Is there a trigger on the table or something?

jasonbub wrote:

As I see, there are a yaf_WatchForum and a yaf_WatchTopic tables to store the subscriptions.

The mail is sent by the PostReplyClick function of postmessage.ascx.cs file.

The sending routine is Utils.CreateWatchEmail.

  • guest
  • Guest Topic Starter
18 years ago
Is there an option somewhere to automatically subscribe to every new topic you create and to every topic in which you post a reply?
14 years ago
i find where to watch this topic from options (top page ) then watch this topic

but where watch forum ( i didnt find it )

thank you