• M4CRO
  • 51.2% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
8 years ago
Hi All,

I was wondering if you could tell me if it is possible (and if so how) to install multiple instances of YAF on a single server.

I have a dedicated server and have YAF installed within the website/application root of the website. This has been running for about 14 months now without any problems. The database for this forum is named the default yafnet.

I am just about to deploy another website on the same server and would like YAF on that site as well.

I created a new website/application and created a Forum sub folder and copied the files as required into it and prepared the forum to be installed (same as the previous) instance.

However when i run the /Install/Default.aspx page on the new website i get a database error of: Unable to connect to the Database. Exception Message: Login failed for user '"'. (18456).

It wont come up with the install wizard and it seems to me it is automatically detecting the existing database instance and trying to use that, hence failing.

I was expecting the install wizard to run and at the database section be able to create a new database with a new name. I.e. yafnet2

Does anyone know if it is possible to have multiple instances of YAF running on the same server (SQL & Web)?

If anyone can help me i would be very grateful.



  • M4CRO
  • 51.2% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
8 years ago
Hi All,

I took another look at it and managed to resolve the issue.

I manually created a new SQL database and SQL Login and set the permissions on the login to gave it access to the new database.

I then modified the db.config file in the root and changed the connection string to correspond to the new SQL login i created.

This was then enough to kick start the install wizard and just followed the instructions / steps and made it use an existing connection string (the one i just created).

The forum is now created and installed using the new SQL database and login without it affecting my existing default installation of YAF.

Happy days!

