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19 years ago
Currently when users create passwords they are encrypted and then saved in DB. What do I have to do to have the passwords saved as a simple text in the User table.
  • Jaben
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer
19 years ago

Currently when users create passwords they are encrypted and then saved in DB. What do I have to do to have the passwords saved as a simple text in the User table.

AutomaticSlim wrote:

Quite a few things would need to be modified in the source.

So a search through the entire project for "HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile"

Remove all calls to this function. For instance in DB.cs line 2284:


			string hashinput = DateTime.Now.ToString() + email.ToString() + pages.register.CreatePassword(20);
			string hash = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(hashinput,"md5");


			string hashinput = DateTime.Now.ToString() + email.ToString() + pages.register.CreatePassword(20);
			string hash = hashinput;

Etc... Just basically take out the step where the password is hashed throughout the forum and it should work good. (Passwords will be case-sensitive though -- and all current passwords will no longer work.)


15 years ago
It donsen't work for me 😞 it keeps encrypting the password.

what i need to do is to insert any kind of password there in the db, because i am integrating the forum whit some application and i need to create the users for the forum whit the same user name and password from my application.