  • Roushan
  • 51.8% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
8 years ago
We are trying to use YAF forum in one of our project to maintain forum communication.

Most of the operations are working fine.

But the problem that we are facing is no email notification after posting topic or if anyone make it watched or subscribed,

the respective person doesn't get any notification in their registered email. We would like to send an e-mail notification to

the creator, subscriber of a topic and the member of forum on the topic.

Kindly help me regarding this action. What steps i need to follow to activate email notification

Your cordial help will be much appreciated.

8 years ago
Thanks for sharing
  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
8 years ago

We are trying to use YAF forum in one of our project to maintain forum communication.

Most of the operations are working fine.

But the problem that we are facing is no email notification after posting topic or if anyone make it watched or subscribed,

the respective person doesn't get any notification in their registered email. We would like to send an e-mail notification to

the creator, subscriber of a topic and the member of forum on the topic.

Kindly help me regarding this action. What steps i need to follow to activate email notification

Your cordial help will be much appreciated.

Originally Posted by: Roushan 

If you say that you didnt get any emails at all, then did you check the event log for errors? And also more important did you review the mail.config and check if you entered all date for the email account correctly?

  • Roushan
  • 51.8% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
8 years ago
tha_watcha, Thanks for your reply.

I was trying to send a mail to a group of registered users. it just sowing mail queued .

Event log is

SendMailThread Failed for the 2nd time (the email will now deleted) with an SmtpException (Email to: aaaa@xxxxx.xxx, Subject: test): System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Server does not support secure connections. at System.Net.Mail.SmtpConnection.GetConnection(ServicePoint servicePoint) at System.Net.Mail.SmtpTransport.GetConnection(ServicePoint servicePoint) at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.GetConnection() at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send(MailMessage message) at YAF.Core.Services.YafSendMail.SendAll(IEnumerable`1 messages, Action`2 handleException)

There is also no mail notification when someone posted topic or in case of any update though the mail notification setting from profile is ON.

in app.config, set the value for

Changed the mail.config file to set smtp connection.

I think ...i am missing something..Kindly help me regarding this issue.

  • Roushan
  • 51.8% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
8 years ago
tha_watcha, mail communication is working fine. needed to change smtp configuration.
