  • ibragh
  • 50.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
8 years ago
Hello everyone.

I have upload YAF forum to my server. my database also in the same server

What i need is to externally (not inside the forum). To create a query that will insert a user to my forum

what is the general query for such a thing.

I tried insert directly to yaf_user but it could't work

Ordinary Nimda
8 years ago
You should check the table yaf_usergroup and add each user to the Registered, Registered Users and Subscribers groups.

Check the following tables, to link proper IDs of users:

yaf_group (IDs of groups)

yaf_usergroup (this links each user ID with group IDs, so each normal user would have three rows).


There might be more things to do, if you do NOT use YAF's DNN Module)