8 years ago
This is the error, any help appreciated!

Info Begin Sql execution

Info Creating backup of previous version - 01.96.10.SqlDataProvider

Info Created - 01.96.10.SqlDataProvider

Info Executing 01.96.10.SqlDataProvider

Info Start Sql execution: 01.96.10.SqlDataProvider file

Failure ExceptionSchwabenCode.QuickIO.InvalidPathException: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. at SchwabenCode.QuickIO.Internal.InternalQuickIOCommon.NativeExceptionMapping(String path, Int32 errorCode) at SchwabenCode.QuickIO.QuickIOFile.OpenFileStream(QuickIOPathInfo pathInfo, FileAccess fileAccess, FileMode fileOption, FileShare shareMode, Int32 buffer) at SchwabenCode.QuickIO.QuickIOFile.OpenText(QuickIOPathInfo pathInfo) at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.FileSystemUtils.ReadFile(String filePath) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installers.ScriptInstaller.ExecuteSql(InstallFile scriptFile) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installers.ScriptInstaller.InstallScriptFile(InstallFile scriptFile) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installers.ScriptInstaller.Install()

Info Finished Sql execution

Failure Installation Failed - Script

8 years ago
Anyone? Google gives me nothing on this.
8 years ago
I should state I am on DNN 8, is the new version causing issues w/ YAF? should I roll back to 7.x?
Ordinary Nimda
8 years ago

I should state I am on DNN 8, is the new version causing issues w/ YAF? should I roll back to 7.x?

Originally Posted by: GothicWizard 

I did a new install to DNN 8.0, and am still in the process of designing the site. My intention was to add forum capabilities with YAF. Please keep us informed on the progress and possible workarounds...

  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
8 years ago
I updated the downloads with an updated install manifest for dnn 8. Now the installation should work.
