  • Shriti
  • 50.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
9 years ago
'string' does not contain a definition for 'StartsWithIgnoreCase' and no extension method 'StartsWithIgnoreCase' accepting a first argument of type 'string' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) yafsrc\ServiceStack.OrmLite\src\ServiceStack.OrmLite.SqlServer\SqlServerOrmLiteDialectProvider.cs ServiceStack.OrmLite.SqlServer

Message 7 Could not find schema information for the element 'rewriter'.

Message 8 Could not find schema information for the attribute 'configSource'.

Error 38 Metadata file 'YAFNET-2.2.0\YAFNET-2.2.0\yafsrc\ServiceStack.OrmLite\src\ServiceStack.OrmLite.SqlServer\bin\Debug\ServiceStack.OrmLite.SqlServer.dll' could not be found AFNET-2.2.0\yafsrc\YAF.Data.MsSql\CSC YAF.Data.MsSql

Error 39 YAFNET-2.2.0\yafsrc\YetAnotherForum.NET\Bin\YAF.Data.MsSql.dll' could not be found YAFNET-2.2.0\YAFNET-2.2.0\yafsrc\YAF.Providers\CSC YAF.Providers

YAFNET-2.2.0\YAFNET-2.2.0\yafsrc\YetAnotherForum.NET\Bin\YAF.Providers.dll' could not be found YAFNET-2.2.0\YAFNET-2.2.0\yafsrc\YetAnotherForum.NET\CSC YAF

'System.Type' does not contain a definition for 'GetDefaultValue' and no extension method 'GetDefaultValue' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Type' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) YAFNET-2.2.0\YAFNET-2.2.0\yafsrc\ServiceStack.OrmLite\src\ServiceStack.OrmLite.SqlServer\SqlServerExpression.cs 21 87 ServiceStack.OrmLite.SqlServer

Error 45 The name 'GetForumLink' does not exist in the current context YAFNET-2.2.0\YAFNET-2.2.0\yafsrc\YetAnotherForum.NET\controls\ForumList.ascx 17 10 YAF

Error 46 The name 'GetViewing' does not exist in the current context

Error 47 The name 'Topics' does not exist in the current context

Error 48 The name 'Posts' does not exist in the current context

Error 49 The name 'GetForumLink' does not exist in the current context

Error 50 The name 'GetViewing' does not exist in the current context

Error 51 The name 'Topics' does not exist in the current context

Error 52 The name 'Posts' does not exist in the current context

Error 53 The name 'CurrentUserID' does not exist in the current context

Error 54 The name 'PageContext' does not exist in the current context

Error 55 'ASP.controls_buddylist_ascx' does not contain a definition for 'Get' and the best extension method overload 'YAF.Types.Interfaces.IServiceLocatorExtensions.Get(YAF.Types.Interfaces.IServiceLocator)' has some invalid arguments YAFNET-2.2.0\yafsrc\YetAnotherForum.NET\controls\BuddyList.ascx 44 25 YAF

Error 56 Instance argument: cannot convert from 'ASP.controls_buddylist_ascx' to 'YAF.Types.Interfaces.IServiceLocator' YAFNET-2.2.0\yafsrc\YetAnotherForum.NET\controls\BuddyList.ascx 44 25 YAF

Error 57 The name 'GetStringSafely' does not exist in the current context

Error 58 'ASP.controls_buddylist_ascx' does not contain a definition for 'GetText' and the best extension method overload 'YAF.Types.Interfaces.IHaveLocalizationExtensions.GetText(YAF.Types.Interfaces.IHaveLocalization, string)' has some invalid arguments

Error 59 Instance argument: cannot convert from 'ASP.controls_buddylist_ascx' to 'YAF.Types.Interfaces.IHaveLocalization'

Error 60 'ASP.controls_buddylist_ascx' does not contain a definition for 'GetText' and the best extension method overload 'YAF.Types.Interfaces.IHaveLocalizationExtensions.GetText(YAF.Types.Interfaces.IHaveLocalization, string)' has some invalid arguments

Error 61 Instance argument: cannot convert from 'ASP.controls_buddylist_ascx' to 'YAF.Types.Interfaces.IHaveLocalization'

Error 62 'ASP.controls_buddylist_ascx' does not contain a definition for 'GetText' and the best extension method overload 'YAF.Types.Interfaces.IHaveLocalizationExtensions.GetText(YAF.Types.Interfaces.IHaveLocalization, string)' has some invalid arguments

Error 63 Instance argument: cannot convert from 'ASP.controls_buddylist_ascx' to 'YAF.Types.Interfaces.IHaveLocalization'

Error 64 'ASP.controls_buddylist_ascx' does not contain a definition for 'GetText' and the best extension method overload 'YAF.Types.Interfaces.IHaveLocalizationExtensions.GetText(YAF.Types.Interfaces.IHaveLocalization, string)' has some invalid arguments

Error 65 Instance argument: cannot convert from 'ASP.controls_buddylist_ascx' to 'YAF.Types.Interfaces.IHaveLocalization'

Error 66 'ASP.controls_buddylist_ascx' does not contain a definition for 'Get' and the best extension method overload 'YAF.Types.Interfaces.IServiceLocatorExtensions.Get(YAF.Types.Interfaces.IServiceLocator)' has some invalid arguments

Error 67 Instance argument: cannot convert from 'ASP.controls_buddylist_ascx' to 'YAF.Types.Interfaces.IServiceLocator'

Error 68 'ASP.controls_buddylist_ascx' does not contain a definition for 'GetText' and the best extension method overload 'YAF.Types.Interfaces.IHaveLocalizationExtensions.GetText(YAF.Types.Interfaces.IHaveLocalization, string)' has some invalid arguments

Error 69 Instance argument: cannot convert from 'ASP.controls_buddylist_ascx' to 'YAF.Types.Interfaces.IHaveLocalization'

Error 70 'ASP.controls_buddylist_ascx' does not contain a definition for 'GetText' and the best extension method overload 'YAF.Types.Interfaces.IHaveLocalizationExtensions.GetText(YAF.Types.Interfaces.IHaveLocalization, string)' has some invalid arguments

Error 71 Instance argument: cannot convert from 'ASP.controls_buddylist_ascx' to 'YAF.Types.Interfaces.IHaveLocalization'

Error 72 'ASP.controls_buddylist_ascx' does not contain a definition for 'GetText' and the best extension method overload 'YAF.Types.Interfaces.IHaveLocalizationExtensions.GetText(YAF.Types.Interfaces.IHaveLocalization, string)' has some invalid arguments

Error 73 Instance argument: cannot convert from 'ASP.controls_buddylist_ascx' to 'YAF.Types.Interfaces.IHaveLocalization'

Error 76 'string' does not contain a definition for 'Fmt' and no extension method 'Fmt' accepting a first argument of type 'string' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Error 77 'string' does not contain a definition for 'Fmt' and no extension method 'Fmt' accepting a first argument of type 'string' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Error 78 'string' does not contain a definition for 'Fmt' and no extension method 'Fmt' accepting a first argument of type 'string' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Error 79 'string' does not contain a definition for 'StartsWithIgnoreCase' and no extension method 'StartsWithIgnoreCase' accepting a first argument of type 'string' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Error 80 'string' does not contain a definition for 'SplitOnFirst' and no extension method 'SplitOnFirst' accepting a first argument of type 'string' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Error 81 No overload for method 'IsNullOrEmpty' takes 0 arguments\ServiceStack.OrmLite\src\ServiceStack.OrmLite.SqlServer\SqlServerOrmLiteDialectProvider.cs 464 18 ServiceStack.OrmLite.SqlServer

  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
9 years ago
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