  • lordmage
  • 62.6% (Friendly)
  • YAF Camper Topic Starter
10 years ago
Hi, I'm a member How do I change my user names and groups, for example, members of industrial group member names admins will write yellow or the red would be very happy if you help please thanks.

Merhaba ben üyelerimin kullanıcı adlarını nasıl değiştiririm ve gruplara nası mesela üye gurubu sarı renkli yazacak üye adları adminler ise kırmızı lütfen yardım ederseniz çok mutlu olurum teşekkürler.

Waiting Selim's Place Forum members Everyone I'm glad you are.


  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
10 years ago

Hi, I'm a member How do I change my user names and groups, for example, members of industrial group member names admins will write yellow or the red would be very happy if you help please thanks.

Originally Posted by: lordmage 

changing user names is not possible. The only way is to use display names. This allows users and admin's to change their names.

To enabled different colors for each Groups you need to enabled Styled User Names first in the Host settings under Host -> Host Settings -> Features -> Use styled nicks.

Then you are able to set the style for each Group (Role) for example for admins "color:red"

  • lordmage
  • 62.6% (Friendly)
  • YAF Camper Topic Starter
10 years ago
thank you thank you very much
Waiting Selim's Place Forum members Everyone I'm glad you are.
