10 years ago
I've searched the forums, can't seem to find the answer, excuse me if I missed it

The following behaviour seems to exist

All DNN roles are not automatically available to the new YAF forum, however, if a user with a custom role visits the forum any roles that they are assigned to will be now added to the YAF Roles area. This is good, but one thing I noticed is that it will also add an Access Mask for this newly added role and it will give the new role 'Read Only Access' to any forums that are listed.

Is it possible to have any new roles added and when the access mask is automatically added to have it default to "No Access"


  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
10 years ago

Is it possible to have any new roles added and when the access mask is automatically added to have it default to "No Access"

Sure i changed it in 2.1.2 final

10 years ago

When will that be available for a DNN download?

3 years ago
I'm using 2.31.11 and am unable to find where to change this to "No Access" when a new access mask is added to a Forum. At current it is assigned Members Access by automatic default. Where can I change it to No Access?


  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
3 years ago

I'm using 2.31.11 and am unable to find where to change this to "No Access" when a new access mask is added to a Forum. At current it is assigned Members Access by automatic default. Where can I change it to No Access?


Originally Posted by: DownZeroInVA 

At the moment the value can only be changed in the source code. But if its needed i can make an option for it.

3 years ago
I think having the Most Restrictive permissions set as Default when a new forum is created is a good thing. Especially, if the Categories and Forums are restricted to certain Roles. Having it set this way will ensure people who aren't supposed to have access don't and those roles who are, are given explicit access. Much like network security, one does not have access to a network resource unless Explicitly given access. Just my $0.03 ... All that said, I really am liking the updated version! Great job!