I'm also seeing raw HTML appearing at times on my forum. It usually seems to happen when a previous post is being quoted, but I can't narrow things down any further than this. The default editor on the forum is TinyMCE but users can choose. I'm thinking of disabling this option and standardising on TinyMCE to see whether this stops the problem.
Originally Posted by: tha_watcha
I think it happens because not all content is filtered, can you post some sample content that is displayed wrongly?
Originally Posted by: BWG
Generally seems to be when quoting from an iPad / iPhone, but it doesn't happen all of the time. I hope the example below is posted ok:
1) The font has been tweaked and is now every so slightly smaller
2) Long usernames are now truncated to in the left hand column of threads to prevent the formatting being screwed up, e.g. WanderingLonelyAsACumulonimbusIncus now appears WanderingLonel...
Way way better on both counts!

I hated the pale, hard to read low contrast stuff - felt like I was always peering into the gloom trying to read the posts (mind you, with some of the gloom in the Model Output thread in winter, that's probably not gonna be cured completely :-D)
If Matty's constantly screwed up quoting has been cured too, I might even start reading his posts again 
EDIT: I've just done a little more digging in the database.
A post which outputs raw html appears to be saved in this format....
[ q u o t e =idj20;633810]< p >[ q u o t e =JB;633799]< / p >
A post correctly displayed starts off like this in the database:
< p >[ q u o t e =Global Warming;633858][ q u o t e =idj20;633810]< / p >
EDIT 2: I decided to comment out the code in pmessage.ascx.cs, postmessage.ascx.cs and reportpost.ascx.cs which checks for mobile and override the Editor with the default Yaf BBCode Editor if true:
// Override Editor when mobile device with default Yaf BBCode Editor
// if (PageContext.IsMobileDevice)
// {
// this._forumEditor = this.Get>().GetBy("1"); // }
I've tested TinyMCE on iPad, iPhone and Nexus 7, and it works ok.
Edited by moderator
10 years ago |
Reason: Not specified