  • Observe
  • 69.8% (Friendly)
  • YAF Lover
10 years ago
OK, updated to new version. Still no Avatars showing, and I verified web.config BaseUrlMask correct. However, since BaseURLMask was originally wrong, perhaps some database field needs flushing? I notice if I set Avatar from Admin Panel in the edit User section, I seem to be able to make the Avatar stick. The trouble with that, is users don't have access to that section.

Any suggestions, or is there any info I can provide to remedy?


P.S. Otherwise, everything is working very nicely!

Note: I'm still having problem (regardless of theme) with Smiley's not having pagination when creating/editing posts. All I get are 18 icons, but no ability to page through more of them. In Smiley settings, I have the default set (much more than 18). Ideally a flyout (like in Shoutbox) might be best, but I'll be happy if I can get pagination working.

  • Observe
  • 69.8% (Friendly)
  • YAF Lover
10 years ago
Very serious problem occurring with latest version 2.0.5402 (I think also happened with 01 but not sure).

A critical error has occurred. Invalid object name 'yaf.dbo.yaf_ForumAccess'.

This happens whenever I submit a new post, or reply to an existing post. The actual post is saved and can be viewed after refreshing the page following the above error.

I do have a 'yaf_ForumAccess' table in my database, but I'm not quite sure about the 'yaf.dbo.' part of it.

I also notice looking at the installation scripts, version 1.96 didn't use that table from what I can see.

  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
10 years ago

Very serious problem occurring with latest version 2.0.5402 (I think also happened with 01 but not sure).

A critical error has occurred. Invalid object name 'yaf.dbo.yaf_ForumAccess'.

This happens whenever I submit a new post, or reply to an existing post. The actual post is saved and can be viewed after refreshing the page following the above error.

I do have a 'yaf_ForumAccess' table in my database, but I'm not quite sure about the 'yaf.dbo.' part of it.

I also notice looking at the installation scripts, version 1.96 didn't use that table from what I can see.

Originally Posted by: Observe 

My mistake i forgot to replace the actual values with the replace tokens.

Please run the following sql (DNN Host -> SQL -> Run as Script -> Enter the sql -> Run Script

IF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'{databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}yaf_GetReadAccessListForForum') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)
DROP PROCEDURE {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}yaf_GetReadAccessListForForum

CREATE PROCEDURE {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}yaf_GetReadAccessListForForum
  @ForumID int
	select fa.GroupID, GroupName = g.Name, AccessMaskName = am.Name, am.Flags
	from {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}yaf_ForumAccess fa
	Inner join {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}yaf_AccessMask am
    on (fa.AccessMaskID = am.AccessMaskID)
	inner join {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}yaf_Group g
	on (fa.GroupID = g.GroupID)
	where fa.ForumID = @ForumID

  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
10 years ago

OK, updated to new version. Still no Avatars showing, and I verified web.config BaseUrlMask correct. However, since BaseURLMask was originally wrong, perhaps some database field needs flushing? I notice if I set Avatar from Admin Panel in the edit User section, I seem to be able to make the Avatar stick. The trouble with that, is users don't have access to that section.

Any suggestions, or is there any info I can provide to remedy?

Well the problem is the wrong urls for the avatars are stored in the database.

The yaf profile in dnn is only updated when you update your dnn profile, so if you update your dnn avatar it will also update you yaf avatar.

You mentioned an updated build is online. What changes does it have? Is it primarily the file you provided last night to overcome the alignment issue? Reason I ask, is I'm wondering if I should update.

if you want avatars you need to update. Saving avatars is currently broken in YAF 2.0 RC 1 (this also affects the standalone version).

  • Observe
  • 69.8% (Friendly)
  • YAF Lover
10 years ago
Thanks for the script. It solved the posting errors problem!

Well the problem is the wrong urls for the avatars are stored in the database.

The yaf profile in dnn is only updated when you update your dnn profile, so if you update your dnn avatar it will also update you yaf avatar.

Originally Posted by: tha_watcha 

No matter what I do, I cannot get Avatars showing in the forum.

I've configured as:

<add key="YAF.BaseUrlMask" value="http://www.worldwidemods.com/" />

Then clear DNN cache, restart application, refresh page and still no Avatar showing in forum.

I've changed the avatar in DNN profile thinking the change might trigger YAF to see the avatar, but no dice. I've also used the YAF DNN User importer, but that doesn't help either.

At this point, I have no idea what I may do to get avatars working. This is the single important remaining issue. The other issue is the Smiley panel doesn't have pagination, but I can live with that until later fix.


  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
10 years ago

At this point, I have no idea what I may do to get avatars working. This is the single important remaining issue. The other issue is the Smiley panel doesn't have pagination, but I can live with that until later fix.

Did you upgrade to the latest build yet? If not it can not work and you should see some errors in the yaf event log regarding the not working avatar saving function.

  • Observe
  • 69.8% (Friendly)
  • YAF Lover
10 years ago
Yes, I have updated to latest version along with the patch script you provided to overcome posting errors.

In looking at the Event Log, I see related to 'Profile Syncronizer':

Error while Syncing dnn userprofile with Yaf
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.YafDnn_LastUpdatedProfile'.
   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)

Missing Stored Procedure perhaps?

I also see this in the log related to 'YAF.YafResurceHandler':

Remote Avatar is NOT supported on your Hosting Permission Level (must be High)

Not sure what that means, because I'm not trying to use remote avatar (unless DNN avatar is 'remote' to YAF).

This may be a Godaddy hosting issue, since I think my permission level is medium, and high level is only available on their dedicated servers. That being the case, I guess it would be nice if the user could manually change their YAF forum avatar (as Admin can do in the Admin Panel).

Although, I wonder, because I've not had this kind of issue with any other apps/modules.

  • Observe
  • 69.8% (Friendly)
  • YAF Lover
10 years ago
Avatar problem solved!

This error (from forum event log):

Remote Avatar is NOT supported on your Hosting Permission Level (must be High)

Is solved by increasing trust level to high in web.config.

After the above change, the avatar shows in the forum when I update my DNN Avatar by changing it to something else, then back to the one I want.

Regarding the LastUpdatedProfile missing stored procedure issue I mentioned earlier, it seemed to go away (from the log) after I manually ran the script.

Now the remaining glitch is Smiley pagination (lack of) - although I can live with that issue without serious grief.


  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
10 years ago

Now the remaining glitch is Smiley pagination (lack of) - although I can live with that issue without serious grief.

Originally Posted by: Observe 

Can you approve my test account, so i can see the problem in action?

  • Observe
  • 69.8% (Friendly)
  • YAF Lover
10 years ago

Can you approve my test account, so i can see the problem in action?

Originally Posted by: tha_watcha 


It'll be interesting to hear what you have to say about the matter.

  • Observe
  • 69.8% (Friendly)
  • YAF Lover
10 years ago
I just noticed something. The pagination is floating at the bottom-right of the posting page. Somehow it's not being contained within the box where it should be.
  • Observe
  • 69.8% (Friendly)
  • YAF Lover
10 years ago
The Smiley pagination issue corrects if I put the following in my theme.css:

.pagination {

But since all standard themes exhibit this problem, I suppose that may not be the ultimate solution for release build.

  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
10 years ago

The Smiley pagination issue corrects if I put the following in my theme.css:

.pagination {

But since all standard themes exhibit this problem, I suppose that may not be the ultimate solution for release build.

Originally Posted by: Observe 

This happens because dnn uses the same class and has the element absolute positioned. I added the code to the ..resources/css/forum.css so it applied to all themes.

  • Observe
  • 69.8% (Friendly)
  • YAF Lover
10 years ago
Sounds reasonable.

So, at this point, things are running rather well. My site is a bit slow, but that's a hosting issue I need to resolve on my end.

I appreciate all your support in getting YAF working with DNN. As I said earlier, as far as I'm concerned, YAF is without question the best DNN forum module, and I wish you and your team every success!
