  • drew123
  • 50.8% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
11 years ago
I am trying to make it so that users have to be logged in with there YAF credentials to view my 'Home' page. I am unsure if this is the proper way to do it, but I have been using the following code in my web.config:

This code should work, but it keeps trying to send me to '/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fHome.aspx.' I no longer have a login.aspx page as I am trying to use YAF's login, but I can't figure out why it sends me to that page by default. I just want it to go to YAF's login page at '/forum/yaf_login.aspx?returnurl=%2fforum%2fForum.aspx.' I have been messing with this for a couple of hours and can't figure it out, so I'm hoping someone here could lend me a hand!
