  • kimlong008
  • 77% (Friendly)
  • YAF Lover Topic Starter
11 years ago
Hi Admin and Mods !


when I click this topic that was error !

I can not delete with my role admin, Now I want to delete it by SQL query, How do delete it ?

I tryed delete it by SQL query but I can not delete it because It constraint with Foreign key.

I had delete user of this post but I can delete it too !

I need help delete it !

  • bbobb
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer
11 years ago
No one can help you even in theory, you should make the error visible in web.config or post an event log entry here.

  • kimlong008
  • 77% (Friendly)
  • YAF Lover Topic Starter
11 years ago
So can I not delete it ?

Thank You !

No one can help you even in theory, you should make the error visible in web.config or post an event log entry here.

Originally Posted by: bbobb 

  • Thantis
  • 81.8% (Honored)
  • YAF Commander
11 years ago
I think bbobb was saying that it is hard to tell what the problem really is since you didn't post a detailed error log, or turn off custom errors. Sure he, or someone, could tell you how to delete the post, but that might not solve the issue that caused the problem in the first place, leading to more

errors. Edit your web.config and turn custom errors to Off, instead of On, and then go to the post again, paste the results here. Make sure to turn

custom errors back On when you finish.