  • Zero2Cool
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Leader Topic Starter YAF Version: YAF 3.1.16
11 years ago
I've tried finding information on the "Post to Blog" feature and am not finding out anything that is helping me.

My site has an ASP.NET shell using YAF for members to sign up/log in. What I would like to do is when a member writes up a nice blog-like post that they can somehow flag the post as blog. Then on a custom page I design, I'll pull the top 5 latest topics with a blog flag (whatever it might be) and display that with a link to the forum topic.

Does this make any sense? Is this something that could currently be done with the current version and I'm just being ignorant on how to actually use the Post to Blog feature? Initially, I was thinking of the person sets up their blog in their profile, they should be able to have the option to post to blog, to which the topic would have something other than NULL in the Blog field.

So, in short, I want members to check the Post to Blog checkbox when they create a new topic and if that topic is flagged somehow, by any means that differentiated from other topics, I'm good to go.

Essentially, I want to build a CMS-like ecosystem around YAF without changing YAF at all. (it makes it easier for upgrades)

Edit, OMG I love the notification bar... I can't wait for a new release so I can get rid of those damn popup windows I have lol

  • Zero2Cool
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Leader Topic Starter YAF Version: YAF 3.1.16
11 years ago
I think I found a solution. I can use Topic Status feature. I added a Blog item in the drop down and that seems to work. So, I should be able to look for top 5 topics with status blog. 🙂
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