  • ngtrian
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • YAF Camper Topic Starter
12 years ago

I like simple style of Yaf Standard YafBBCode Editor. Can I use WYSWYG with this editor? Like Vbulletin.

Can i use Editor with Quick Rely?

Thanks for support!

12 years ago
Quick Reply uses no editors. When posts are rendered, BBCodes are translated, but that is it.

To use WYSIWYG you have to enable editor such as CKEditor. You can modify CK configuration in it's JS files, but they won't be preserved during an upgrade.

If you can't find it using the forum search, try my signature link -- searches this site using Google: Google is my Friend 
  • ngtrian
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • YAF Camper Topic Starter
12 years ago

Quick Reply uses no editors. When posts are rendered, BBCodes are translated, but that is it.

To use WYSIWYG you have to enable editor such as CKEditor. You can modify CK configuration in it's JS files, but they won't be preserved during an upgrade.

Originally Posted by: squirrel 

How do config to use YafBBcode with WYSWYG, i like simple style of YafBBCode. not CKEditor

  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
12 years ago

Quick Reply uses no editors. When posts are rendered, BBCodes are translated, but that is it.

To use WYSIWYG you have to enable editor such as CKEditor. You can modify CK configuration in it's JS files, but they won't be preserved during an upgrade.

Originally Posted by: ngtrian 

How do config to use YafBBcode with WYSWYG, i like simple style of YafBBCode. not CKEditor

Originally Posted by: squirrel 

That's not possible the yaf bbcode editor doesn't have an wysiwyg mode. Maybe that will be included in future version. Right now if you want to use a wysiwyg editor you have to use tinymce or ckeditor in bbcode mode (vbulletin also uses ckeditor)