This is just a thought... In the past, when I had migrated/upgraded a DNN installation I had, the machine keys from the old web.config of the DNN did not make it through the upgrade into the new one, and no DNN user could login.
In the case where you had YAF installed with DNN using DNN/ASP.NET membership, then the passwords would have been encrypted using DNN's concept... I know you said you generated a set of keys, and you've copied the role/profile stuff in from the DNN config. Just for kicks, try pulling in the DNN machinekeys from your dnn webconfig into the site you're trying to login with and can't...
I don't have tons of experience in the .NET side, but that's just a thought I want to put out there since I know when my keys got fouled up in the past with the DNN installation, I couldn't login. So I'm thinking that if you had those keys since you're trying to login YAF users against a 'former DNN membership' - it might work -- just might... One of those 'shot in the dark things'...
Originally Posted by: squirrel