  • brigzy
  • 66.2% (Friendly)
  • YAF Commander Topic Starter
12 years ago

I hope I find some friends here 🙂

I have managed to set up YAF - up to a point!


I may be tired - but I can't see how to create an attachment ( "Attach files to this post?" seems missing).

Version 1.9.5 RC1

Also is it possible to default this option "Watch this topic and receive notifications of activity via e-mail? " to be ticked.


UserPostedImage New Network Edition V2.8 - Released Dec 2013 
  • Zero2Cool
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Leader YAF Version: YAF 3.1.16
12 years ago


I hope I find some friends here 🙂

I have managed to set up YAF - up to a point!


I may be tired - but I can't see how to create an attachment ( "Attach files to this post?" seems missing).

Version 1.9.5 RC1

Also is it possible to default this option "Watch this topic and receive notifications of activity via e-mail? " to be ticked.


Originally Posted by: brigzy 

1 - When you are submitting a post, there is a Checkbox below the text area in which you are typing your post. The text next to the Checkbox reads "Attach files to this post?" Check the checkbox and when you click "Post" you'll see an option to upload an attachment.

2 - If you go to your Admin > Board Settings, you'll see on the bottom this setting.

Default Notification Setting:

When a new user account is created, what notification setting does it default to?

The options are in a drop down menu. I think this is what you're looking for?

  • brigzy
  • 66.2% (Friendly)
  • YAF Commander Topic Starter
12 years ago
Thanks for your reply..

Attachments :

This is what I see:


Board Notification set to 'Notification for topics you've posted to, watched ..'

I have set the max file size to blank .. wonder if thats it?


UserPostedImage New Network Edition V2.8 - Released Dec 2013 
  • logan
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Leader
12 years ago
Make sure your users access mask allows upload
12 years ago has many many updates above version you are running as well. But for sure as posted above, access masks and roles need attention for attachments to work. I also believe that version has 'activeAccess' table flush bug, where the table is not always flushed and reset when access masks are changed. I have version close to that and any time we update user roles, we have to manually flush that table to get the user's permissions updated.
If you can't find it using the forum search, try my signature link -- searches this site using Google: Google is my Friend 
  • bbobb
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer
12 years ago has many many updates above version you are running as well. But for sure as posted above, access masks and roles need attention for attachments to work. I also believe that version has 'activeAccess' table flush bug, where the table is not always flushed and reset when access masks are changed. I have version close to that and any time we update user roles, we have to manually flush that table to get the user's permissions updated.

Originally Posted by: squirrel 

Actually, access masks are cleaned automatically when user is inactive for number of minutes set in ActiveUsers list time - 5 minutes by default 🙂 . The only problem was with the Guest access and with impatient users, who didn't know how it works and went nervous. Anyway in the above version that had not been fixed yet.

  • brigzy
  • 66.2% (Friendly)
  • YAF Commander Topic Starter
12 years ago

Make sure your users access mask allows upload

Originally Posted by: logan 

Yep that was it - many thanks.

On the other ask - default "Watch this topic and receive notifications of activity via e-mail? " to be ticked, I havn't managed to achieve this - but am just wondering if it is because when testing I am replying to my own post - I notice when I reply to this post it is in fact already ticked - so will add another user / post and give it another go.



UserPostedImage New Network Edition V2.8 - Released Dec 2013 
  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
12 years ago

Make sure your users access mask allows upload

Originally Posted by: brigzy 

Yep that was it - many thanks.

On the other ask - default "Watch this topic and receive notifications of activity via e-mail? " to be ticked, I havn't managed to achieve this - but am just wondering if it is because when testing I am replying to my own post - I notice when I reply to this post it is in fact already ticked - so will add another user / post and give it another go.



Originally Posted by: logan 

If you change the Notification Type to "Notification for topics you've posted to, watched or marked as favorite" on the User Control Panel -> "Email Notification Preferences" Page the checkbox is by default on when you create a topic.

  • brigzy
  • 66.2% (Friendly)
  • YAF Commander Topic Starter
12 years ago has many many updates above version you are running as well. But for sure as posted above, access masks and roles need attention for attachments to work. I also believe that version has 'activeAccess' table flush bug, where the table is not always flushed and reset when access masks are changed. I have version close to that and any time we update user roles, we have to manually flush that table to get the user's permissions updated.

Originally Posted by: squirrel 

Thanks, I have now upgraded to!!

I found the editing of the config files tricky - but I managed - and once I changed the App Pool to .NET 4 it came together well.

I have a problem though with the new version - it has shrunk my attachment image:-


Also - wondering where I find a smiley pak 🙂


UserPostedImage New Network Edition V2.8 - Released Dec 2013 
  • brigzy
  • 66.2% (Friendly)
  • YAF Commander Topic Starter
12 years ago

Hello there

as regards

problem with images being resized still a problem

example : http://www.leansoftware.net/Forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=3 

I can't find a way to prevent the resize, wondering if I should log as an issue..?

Best regards


UserPostedImage New Network Edition V2.8 - Released Dec 2013 
  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
12 years ago

Hello there

as regards

problem with images being resized still a problem

example : http://www.leansoftware.net/Forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=3 

I can't find a way to prevent the resize, wondering if I should log as an issue..?

Best regards


Originally Posted by: brigzy 

Attached images are automatically resized, because otherwise images that are too big are breaking the forum layout in some cases. If you dont want the image resizing simply remove the css property from the file ../resources/css/forum.css

.yafnet .postdiv .UserPostedImage {max-width:500px;max-height:100%;}
  • brigzy
  • 66.2% (Friendly)
  • YAF Commander Topic Starter
12 years ago
Watcha (that means hello from where I come from)

thank you so much, I changed it to 1000px width .. now it looks great!

Image test link! 

Thank you


UserPostedImage New Network Edition V2.8 - Released Dec 2013 
  • btbowden
  • 51.4% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
11 years ago

Thanks for your reply..

Attachments :

This is what I see:


Originally Posted by: brigzy 

Did you ever figure out the issue with this? I'm having the same problem.

  • brigzy
  • 66.2% (Friendly)
  • YAF Commander Topic Starter
11 years ago

I just followed the instructructions from the_watcha in the thread, it work fine now.

Mind you it was a while ago so maybe I am on an older version of YAF.

Did you find the css file mentioned?


UserPostedImage New Network Edition V2.8 - Released Dec 2013 
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