  • Steve4
  • 81.2% (Honored)
  • YAF Lover Topic Starter
12 years ago
I want my members to be able to post and view photo albums. One member posted a photo and asked me how to view them so I clicked on My Albums and it said Access Denied. I'm the forum Administrator. How can it deny me anything?

I've searched all over the Admin function and I saw in Host Features there are 4 settings including an Enabled checkbox. That is checked. Why can't I enter the Album area and how do I allow others to enter the Album area?


12 years ago
If I remember correctly, there are settings in "Users/Roles/Access Masks" that have something to do with the user albums. I haven't dug or I could be more specific. If you need I will look further into it.
If you can't find it using the forum search, try my signature link -- searches this site using Google: Google is my Friend 
  • Steve4
  • 81.2% (Honored)
  • YAF Lover Topic Starter
12 years ago

If I remember correctly, there are settings in "Users/Roles/Access Masks" that have something to do with the user albums. I haven't dug or I could be more specific. If you need I will look further into it.

Originally Posted by: squirrel 


I looked at those too, and they do have settings. :? But I don't see anywhere that they relate those settings to the albums. If you can find them I would be delighted to know where they are. I am a computer programmer, but I absolutely hate dealing with security issues. Unfortunately they are an important part of the business.

12 years ago
Under the host settings, on our site, we have enabled as the following:

Enable Albums (checked)

Max Image Size: 1mb (1048576 bytes)

Albums Per Page: 6

Images Per Page: 10

Then under Users/Roles --> Roles:

For the roles, you need to edit them to set:

User Albums Number: 6

Album Images Number: 50

The above are just the settings we use on our site.

We're running still, but I believe the settings are basically the same.

You will also need to check your access masks to be sure that users have 'upload' ability as well. If you still have issue, I will experiment with our site to see if I can duplicate your issue.

If you can't find it using the forum search, try my signature link -- searches this site using Google: Google is my Friend 
  • Steve4
  • 81.2% (Honored)
  • YAF Lover Topic Starter
12 years ago

I set all of my settings to what you listed for my members role and for my administrator role. When I (an administrator) click on My Albums it still says "Access Denied". This is why I hate dealing with security issues as a programmer. If you think you can solve this I would appreciate it.


  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
12 years ago

I want my members to be able to post and view photo albums. One member posted a photo and asked me how to view them so I clicked on My Albums and it said Access Denied. I'm the forum Administrator. How can it deny me anything?

I've searched all over the Admin function and I saw in Host Features there are 4 settings including an Enabled checkbox. That is checked. Why can't I enter the Album area and how do I allow others to enter the Album area?


Originally Posted by: Steve4 

There a two reasons when you see the access denied message

  1. Enable Albums in the host settings is disabled
  2. the Url doesnt contain the userid when you open the my albums site the url should look like this "yourforumdomain.com/yaf_albums.aspx?u=[YOURUSERID]

  • Steve4
  • 81.2% (Honored)
  • YAF Lover Topic Starter
12 years ago

Enable Albums in host settings is checked. I checked. So I looked at the URL and it looks like this:


So I don't see the problem yet.



  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
12 years ago


Enable Albums in host settings is checked. I checked. So I looked at the URL and it looks like this:


So I don't see the problem yet.



Originally Posted by: Steve4 

If thats the link then its clear why it doesnt work because of the "&" instead of "&" this was an issue in and fixed in 1.96


  • Steve4
  • 81.2% (Honored)
  • YAF Lover Topic Starter
12 years ago

I suppose I could fix that problem by upgrading, but I also suppose that I would then lose any mods I have made. For example, I added an icon box below the smiley box which has some accent letter icons in it. When the users click on an accent icon it inserts that accented letter into the text box for the reply they are writing. If I upgrade I'm afraid I would lose those changes.

If you could tell me what file controls that & problem maybe it would be easier for me just to fix that problem in my copy.



12 years ago
I don't know if this helps, but in your situation it might.

I use TortoiseSVN to manage my code against the repository. If you were to copy your currently modded source tree into a new set of folders, you could run a merge against the SVN code, and selectively merge your code with the new source and recompile. Tortoise has options to present you with when it encounters files in your local repository that are different from the server. This was all with SourceForge. I don't know if CodePlex allows SVN or not, but it might be something to look into to help with bringing your mods into the current code.

If you can't find it using the forum search, try my signature link -- searches this site using Google: Google is my Friend 
12 years ago
EDIT to my previous post. With the change over to CodePlex, the client is of HG and not SVN. This topic should help: YAF SOURCE CODE AND CLIENTS  --
If you can't find it using the forum search, try my signature link -- searches this site using Google: Google is my Friend 
  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
12 years ago


I suppose I could fix that problem by upgrading, but I also suppose that I would then lose any mods I have made. For example, I added an icon box below the smiley box which has some accent letter icons in it. When the users click on an accent icon it inserts that accented letter into the text box for the reply they are writing. If I upgrade I'm afraid I would lose those changes.

If you could tell me what file controls that & problem maybe it would be easier for me just to fix that problem in my copy.



Originally Posted by: Steve4 

You only need to change one line in the yafheader.ascx.cs I posted a link above which shows exactly the changed line.

  • Steve4
  • 81.2% (Honored)
  • YAF Lover Topic Starter
12 years ago

I looked at your link and I found the one line of code that needs to be changed ( to GetLinkNotEscaped ). I made that change on my forum and I tried the My Forums link again. Surprise: It still says Access Denied. Do I need to rebuild something manually for it to take effect or do I need to re-start the application?



  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
12 years ago


I looked at your link and I found the one line of code that needs to be changed ( to GetLinkNotEscaped ). I made that change on my forum and I tried the My Forums link again. Surprise: It still says Access Denied. Do I need to rebuild something manually for it to take effect or do I need to re-start the application?



Originally Posted by: Steve4 

Yes you need to rebuild the yaf project and replace the yaf.dll in the bin folder of your site on the server. The application will automatically restart.