  • cooch
  • 51.8% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
13 years ago
I have YAF installed in a sub-directory of my website. On the home page of the site, I have username and password fields and would like to allow users to login from there. I am using the YAF membership as the only membership to the site. If I redirect to the YAF login page, users can login and then browse the rest of the site logged in.

My question is, how do I log users in from the home page using my custom fields but using the YAF membership? Is there an API call I can make when the users click the 'Login' button?


13 years ago

The common approach to integrating YAF is by using ASPNET Membership so that when users login with your custom form in the parent area they are automatically logged in (or if their account doesn't exist, it is automatically created.) This requires certain configuration changes to the YAF web.config to match the parent area configuration.

A wealth of discssion on ASPNET Membership here. This thread  is a good example of someone else starting out on integrating YAF via ASPNET Membership.

Good luck,
