It would be super to get this feature. Say, I or somebody else want to invite friends to a forum, but we want that to be a private forum with no strangers. Ok, I see at least two possible ways to do that.
1. Some invitational password with vaidity date-time. Admin sets this password and sends it to friends, co-workers, classmates, sport club friends, whoever he wants. While the password is valid these people are able to use a standard procedure to create an account. The password should be asked in the very beginning (1) of the registration or in the very end (2). This should be optional and decided by admin in invitation config. Beginning is easier, the end - will save the forum from hackers more efficiently, but the friends can be angry if they cannot enter the right password. :evil:
2. Same or another password should be URL acceptable. Once the password is set the admin should be able to:
a) Send email to every invited person using copy/paste with the url containing registration GUID-Like password;
b) setup a simple account for the friend and send him invitation from the forum with the login and password to let his friend change the password once he is in the system;
c) Send email to all his friends using forum and entering all the emails in a special list (text box, whatever). The email should have the URL with the password to let them register.
The password should have the validity dates and time, say, from noon tomorrow to the next Sunday 17:00. We all know how Google efficiently steals the URLs, so the URL with the password can be widely exposed on the Internet. Using the email invitation the system can generate all these temporarily created logins and reject if the email doesn't match.
This is a very simple solution but it will add a very powerful functionality to the forum letting people use it as private forum AKA club by interests. Say, my 11 y/o son wants to invite his friends, classmates, their friends, sport club friends, etc., but reject all strangers. It will work just fine!
Edited by user
13 years ago |
Reason: Not specified