  • rpmtest3o
  • 56.4% (Neutral)
  • YAF Camper Topic Starter
14 years ago
Is it possible to eliminate the location and home page step in the registration process?

But I would like to keep the forum preferences (time zone).

14 years ago

Is it possible to eliminate the location and home page step in the registration process?

But I would like to keep the forum preferences (time zone).

Originally Posted by: rpmtest3o 

I am actually hoping for a section in the Admin area soon where you can choose which profile fields to require during registration. That would be the optimum solution in a future version of YAF. I don't know of any settings to do that now, but I could be wrong.

If you can't find it using the forum search, try my signature link -- searches this site using Google: Google is my Friend