  • midwestSS
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF MVP Topic Starter
13 years ago
ok this took some work for me to get this going....


first.. logon to your sharepoint, and make a blank team page.

(or do this on your front page.. doesnt matter)

On that page, add a web part.. and make it a Page Viewer WebPart.


put your forum folder (the YAF directory) into a folder that is NOT under your sharepoints root.. (so you do not see it in IIS Manager as a folder there....)

now.. create a virtual directory, and point it to this new location.

edit your app.config for the approot to match your virtual dir name .. (i keep the folder name and the virtual dir name the same.. was easy for me that way).

Now, go back to the web part.. edit it.. and put in your new url.. such as www.YOURSITE.com\FORUMVIRTUALDIRNAMETHATYOUMADE

i made the web part 3000 pixels wide and 3000 pixels high.. so it all fit nice..

to see how it fits.. check out my beta site.. (which will be moved over to the real production site within the weekend..


this , eventually what www.silveradoss.net will look like

I have yet to figure out how to get YAF and Sharepoint's authentication to be one and the same... but this is phase 1

  • Jaben
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer
13 years ago
Modified your title a bit.
  • midwestSS
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF MVP Topic Starter
13 years ago

the only thing i cant figure out is why some of the links in the user toolbar in YAF will bring me back to the sharepoint page, and some bring me to the subroot page i setup , without sharepoint..

12 years ago
@ MidwestSS - The reason the user toolbar does that it because it use's a target="_top", you need to edit the header file and recompile...hope this helps.