  • kavit
  • 51.8% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
14 years ago
i had YAF 1.9.4 on my website .i disable new registration and login is required but lost password does nothing and redirect to login page. so please provide me solution for that in 1.9.4 not 1.9.5 i dont want to upgrade my forum.please provide me solutionas fast as posible i had read one threse but that is not correct or something wrong with it.

Thanks in Advanced

14 years ago

i had YAF 1.9.4 on my website .i disable new registration and login is required but lost password does nothing and redirect to login page. so please provide me solution for that in 1.9.4 not 1.9.5 i dont want to upgrade my forum.please provide me solutionas fast as posible i had read one threse but that is not correct or something wrong with it.

Thanks in Advanced

Originally Posted by: kavit 

The solution will be to upgrade. I recommend v1.9.5.5 when it is release as stable. Because this software evolves through the support of users and their assistance to the development team, they don't go 'back' and update old versions with fixes. They include the fixes in the new version and release that.

If you can't find it using the forum search, try my signature link -- searches this site using Google: Google is my Friend 
14 years ago

i had YAF 1.9.4 on my website .i disable new registration and login is required but lost password does nothing and redirect to login page. so please provide me solution for that in 1.9.4 not 1.9.5 i dont want to upgrade my forum.please provide me solutionas fast as posible i had read one threse but that is not correct or something wrong with it.

Thanks in Advanced

Originally Posted by: kavit 

You mean you lost your admin pass ?

If you have direct access to your MS SQL database you could edit the admin password (encrypted but there are some ready-encrypted password).

I don't know if that could work with YAF. I have done it with other software but not with YAF.

If the above works, and you find the admin pass field, then change it to


and the password for the above is


Of cource backup ypur DB first

  • kavit
  • 51.8% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
14 years ago
But the problem with that when we upgrade to new version it will reset all users password i try a lot but i cant upgrade with same username and password please help me in 1.9.4 one solution would be there but its not affecting my file.
14 years ago

But the problem with that when we upgrade to new version it will reset all users password i try a lot but i cant upgrade with same username and password please help me in 1.9.4 one solution would be there but its not affecting my file.

Originally Posted by: kavit 

I don't know of any upgrade to YAF that resets all users passwords.

If you can't find it using the forum search, try my signature link -- searches this site using Google: Google is my Friend 
14 years ago
I don't really understand what an upgrade has to do with a admin lost password....

  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
14 years ago

I don't really understand what an upgrade has to do with a admin lost password....

Originally Posted by: cagliostro 

He is talking about the "Lost Password" function in general, not the lost admin password

  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
14 years ago

But the problem with that when we upgrade to new version it will reset all users password i try a lot but i cant upgrade with same username and password please help me in 1.9.4 one solution would be there but its not affecting my file.

Originally Posted by: kavit 

If you are unable to upgrade you have to modify and compile the source code yourself.

All infos what to change are posted here:


you have to modify the file PageSecurityModel.cs

Remove the lines...

case ForumPages.recoverpassword:
if (PageContext.BoardSettings.DisableRegistrations)
//problem code below


and change line

// no security features for login/logout pages
if (ForumPageType == ForumPages.login || ForumPageType == ForumPages.approve || ForumPageType == ForumPages.logout)


// no security features for login/logout pages
if (ForumPageType == ForumPages.login || ForumPageType == ForumPages.approve || ForumPageType == ForumPages.logout || ForumPageType == ForumPages.recoverpassword)

Ps: yaf doesnt resets passwords on an ugrade.