  • cagliostro
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Leader Topic Starter
14 years ago

II don't see any

tag anywhere in YAF.

It should be available at least in each topic.


14 years ago


II don't see any

tag anywhere in YAF.

It should be available at least in each topic.


Originally Posted by: cagliostro 

You can enable tags like that through the allowed HTML or BBCodes in your configuration -- it is just not turned on by default.

If you can't find it using the forum search, try my signature link -- searches this site using Google: Google is my Friend 
  • cagliostro
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Leader Topic Starter
14 years ago


II don't see any

tag anywhere in YAF.

It should be available at least in each topic.


Originally Posted by: squirrel 

You can enable tags like that through the allowed HTML or BBCodes in your configuration -- it is just not turned on by default.

Originally Posted by: cagliostro 

I don't mean that. Not for the poster.

14 years ago
Well where else are you trying to make it available?
If you can't find it using the forum search, try my signature link -- searches this site using Google: Google is my Friend 
  • cagliostro
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Leader Topic Starter
14 years ago

Well where else are you trying to make it available?

Originally Posted by: squirrel 

H1 should be around the Page Title or the Topic Title.

It should point out something "important" to Seach Engines.

  • cagliostro
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Leader Topic Starter
14 years ago
Btw: Looking at this post, i SEE


tags as this topic Page Title

"h1 tag - YAF Feature Requests - Yet Another Forum.NET - Support Forum for YAF.NET - Free Commercial Open Source C# ASP.NET Forum Software - Forum.YetAnotherForum.NET"

This makes no sense. I have asked for this to be fixed many times.

Page titles like the above are not good for SEO, they are considered as an attempt to "spam" the seach engines (google that is).

14 years ago

Well where else are you trying to make it available?

Originally Posted by: cagliostro 

H1 should be around the Page Title or the Topic Title.

It should point out something "important" to Seach Engines.

Originally Posted by: squirrel 


Search Engines Love H1 Elements – We Think!

It has been argued that the main search engines pay more attention to H1 elements these days, so you might want to consider this when creating your pages, and include your best keywords in it. While the THEORY is sound, there is little actual evidence that H1-H6 headings improve SEO (For Google).

So technically, there is no proof that an H1 tag is necessary for search engine optimization.

If you can't find it using the forum search, try my signature link -- searches this site using Google: Google is my Friend 
14 years ago

Btw: Looking at this post, i SEE


tags as this topic Page Title

"h1 tag - YAF Feature Requests - Yet Another Forum.NET - Support Forum for YAF.NET - Free Commercial Open Source C# ASP.NET Forum Software - Forum.YetAnotherForum.NET"

This makes no sense. I have asked for this to be fixed many times.

Page titles like the above are not good for SEO, they are considered as an attempt to "spam" the seach engines (google that is).

Originally Posted by: cagliostro 

Now, as for this post, I can see the need, or usage actually, for a 'customizable' page title in the host or admin settings for a forum. Something that would use 'tokens' for the site admin to choose what 'tags' as you call them go into the page title. Additionally, there could be two more fields in the configuration that allow for the 'meta keywords and meta description' tags.

Example would be:

Page Title tokens: {sitename} - {forumname} - {topicname} and so forth - the software could be told that if a token is not available for a specific page (such as topic name not available on forum home page) it is simply ignored.

If you can't find it using the forum search, try my signature link -- searches this site using Google: Google is my Friend 
  • cagliostro
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Leader Topic Starter
14 years ago


Search Engines Love H1 Elements – We Think!

It has been argued that the main search engines pay more attention to H1 elements these days, so you might want to consider this when creating your pages, and include your best keywords in it. While the THEORY is sound, there is little actual evidence that H1-H6 headings improve SEO (For Google).

Originally Posted by: squirrel 

So technically, there is no proof that an H1 tag is necessary for search engine optimization.

Yeah, well many people say that SEO also is a myth.

But if you read specific SEO & IM forums, you will also find different opinions.

For me, since i make half of my living from Internet Marketing, everytime i change something in H1, Bold text, Page Titles, header and footers, my websites Dance like crazy.

It is true that we don't know what Google exactly wants and since their algo constantly change, we can only try to be correct ..

14 years ago
On our production site, YAF currently uses exactly that above -- it uses the 'board name' from the Admin --> Board Settings page, then for a 'topic list page' uses the 'forum name' - 'board name', then on a topic view page, it uses the 'topic title' - 'forum name' - 'board name' -- that is only 3 at the 'deepest level' of a topic. So for a topic being viewed, we get this in our 'title bar': "Chance Turbo Restoration - Amusement Industry Discussion - MCW Forums"

What you see on this site is an extended forum name (Jaben's choice for his forums) then as you go deeper in the navigation, it appends the forum name and topic name... That is not really excessive in my opinion - many forum software uses that method and are indexed just fine.

Google Analytics shows no issues with our page settings using what YAF offers.

If you can't find it using the forum search, try my signature link -- searches this site using Google: Google is my Friend 
  • cagliostro
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Leader Topic Starter
14 years ago

On our production site, YAF currently uses exactly that above -- it uses the 'board name' from the Admin --> Board Settings page, then for a 'topic list page' uses the 'forum name' - 'board name', then on a topic view page, it uses the 'topic title' - 'forum name' - 'board name' -- that is only 3 at the 'deepest level' of a topic.

What you see on this site is an extended forum name (Jaben's choice for his forums) then as you go deeper in the navigation, it appends the forum name and topic name... That is not really excessive in my opinion - many forum software uses that method and are indexed just fine.

Google Analytics shows no issues with our page settings using what YAF offers.

Originally Posted by: squirrel 

The two top websites for IM that i read for example, are not using what you suggest.



And excuse me for what write, but is seems you have little knowledge about what we talk about.

14 years ago

Yeah, well many people say that SEO also is a myth.

But if you read specific SEO & IM forums, you will also find different opinions.

For me, since i make half of my living from Internet Marketing, everytime i change something in H1, Bold text, Page Titles, header and footers, my websites Dance like crazy.

It is true that we don't know what Google exactly wants and since their algo constantly change, we can only try to be correct ..

Originally Posted by: cagliostro 

It can also by argued that SEO is 20% actual theory, and 80% companies arguing that they have the best methods for SEO and page ranking features. When in reality, it's 20% actual theory, and 80% advertising scam to get you to spend money with an SEO 'company' that will supposedly improve your rankings - all while trying to get your dollars.

Fair enough?

If you can't find it using the forum search, try my signature link -- searches this site using Google: Google is my Friend 
  • cagliostro
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Leader Topic Starter
14 years ago

It can also by argued that SEO is 20% actual theory, and 80% companies arguing that they have the best methods for SEO and page ranking features. When in reality, it's 20% actual theory, and 80% advertising scam to get you to spend money with an SEO 'company' that will supposedly improve your rankings - all while trying to get your dollars.

Fair enough?

Originally Posted by: squirrel 

I'm not offering any kind of SEO services to others. I create and maintain websites for my self, i promote them myself, and make half of my living from them.

I have no idea what SEO companies do.

All i know is that i can make a website to make money in a hard competition niche, using my fingers and my pc, using SEO. Not paying promotion, no nothing. So SEO does work, and it is the 90% of your website.

No matter how good is your website, it will never get TRAFFIC without SEO. And keep in mind that SEO is a two parts-thing, ON Page (website) and OFF Site. The second being most of importance.

  • cagliostro
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Leader Topic Starter
14 years ago
Finally, look what DigitalPoint Forums do with H1







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Thread: Google catches cheater - it's Bing!

14 years ago

Finally, look what DigitalPoint Forums do with H1







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Thread: Google catches cheater - it's Bing!

Originally Posted by: cagliostro 

There's always downloading the source tree, adding that change yourself and compiling.

As for something simple like that, you can simply edit the aspx page you want that tag in and upload it to the server. I have several small changes like that in our production site (such as next/previous topic links) at the bottom of the page.

If you can't find it using the forum search, try my signature link -- searches this site using Google: Google is my Friend 
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