  • cascadian
  • 65% (Friendly)
  • YAF Camper Topic Starter
14 years ago
Hi, I successfully intergrated my YAF 1.9.5 instance with an existing asp.net app membership provider, and it's working well. I do want to add the members from the existing app to YAF, so I'm wondering (assuming) that Sync All Membership Users on the Admin>Users view does that(?). I searched both the documentation wiki and these forums for verification of this, but I'm not finding anything that reassures me that I should go ahead and "pull the trigger" (especially given the "are you sure" confirmation box that pops up when you click on Sync All Membership Users).

Any info on this is greatly appreciated! Thanks

  • Jaben
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer
14 years ago
Yep, it pulls all the users (don't modify the membership) into YAF so that when you go to members or users you'll see all in the membership.

Otherwise, it will only add that user into YAF when they visit the forum.

  • cascadian
  • 65% (Friendly)
  • YAF Camper Topic Starter
14 years ago
Looks like it worked great! All members now showing in YAF members view. Thanks!
13 years ago

This also worked great for me, but the avatars was not sync, on my second board, I can see the newly synced users but their avatars are not showing.

Anything further that I would need to do?

Thanks in advance

13 years ago
Another side note, I cannot access the Host Settings page (Access denied) when my board ID is 2, but if I change my board ID back to 1 (the original board) then I can access that page.

Is this the correct behaviour for permissions?