  • Jaben
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer Topic Starter
14 years ago
YAF v1.9.4 RC4 (Dated: 6/22/2010)

v1.9.4 is .NET v3.5 SP1 ONLY!

This Release Candidate fixes a big issue with fresh installations failing completely. It also adds improved speed for larger forums by only pulling required post text.

This release would not have been possible without all the wonderful YAF developers! [thumbup]

Note: In v1.9.4 the AppSettings have changed! YAF.Root is now YAF.AppRoot! There is a new AppSetting: YAF.FileRoot which defaults to AppRoot but can be set to something different if desired. Also added is BaseUrlMask which is the server value override for all external links (e.g. links from emails, etc.). Read the included app.config file comments for more information.

Note: In v1.9.4, the name of the upload folder has changed! Rename from "upload" to "uploads"!


Languages may be out of date to the latest in english.xml. Help with this is appreciated.

Contributing to YAF

How can you support YAF, you ask? Just help a bit. Test the software and post bugs. Answer a few questions on this forum for other, less knowledgeable, YAF admins. If you really want to go crazy, write a little documentation in the wiki...

Bug/Issue Tracking



Web Application Project

Yes folks, the project is WAP again. Due to general development direction and demand, we're back to Web Application Project.

DNN Module


API Documentation

YafAPIDocumentation.chm is the compiled docs for the YAF v1.9.4 beta API. It provides a nice way to search or lookup related classes. Currently, it's rather limited as real API documentation is very time consuming (e.g. examples, "see also"). It will be evolving over time.


If you do want to compile the source, please download Visual Studio 2010 Express .

SRC: Includes the compiled forum and forum page files with full source and binaries for NET v3.5 SP1.

BIN: Includes the compiled forum and forum page files without the source for NET v3.5 SP1.



Latest YAF.DotNetNuke.Module.zip 

  • SaiDon
  • 71% (Friendly)
  • YAF Lover
14 years ago
:-d I am waiting RC3, thanks
  • tha_watcha
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF.NET Project Lead 🤴 YAF Version: 4.0.0 rc 2
14 years ago
As Always here is my Advanced DotNetNuke Module Version

YAF-DNN5-Module RC4 SVN Rev 3454

Main Features of My Module

- Starts Installation Automatically when Adding YAF Module the first time to a Page

- Contains all web.config Entries for Install AND Uninstall (You only have to change the Config password and the SQL Connection string)

- Contains Uninstall Script for the SQL (For all YAF Tables, Procedurs, etc.)

- Support For the ISearchable Interface (You can search the Forum thru the DNN Search)

- Contains a Scheduler to automatically Import all Users of your Portal to the Forum

- All Urls Are Human Friendly

- YAF Language will be inherit from Current DNN Language

- Readme Included

- My Color-Grey Themes (6 Different Colors) are included

Download Source and Install Package 

  • doxa123
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF All-the-Time YAF Version: 3.1.14
14 years ago
thanks a lot for your works !
  • Skiltz
  • 59% (Neutral)
  • YAF Camper
14 years ago

It also adds improved speed for larger forums by only pulling required post text.

Jaben wrote:

Hi Jaben I just tested this out and I didn't noticed any speed difference, actually I beleive its slower with this release. Let know if you want me to provide anything happy to help out where I can.

  • bbobb
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer
14 years ago
The paging can be moved to data layer.

The problem is that to make it universal Sql Server 2005 is required, we can't make smth. like SELECT TOP number * FROM ... in 2000, the 'number' should be a constant. The sp should be cached anyway and this can't be implemented as a dynamic query.

In 2000 terms it can be done, but the number of posts should be discrete like 5, 10, 20 and a last messageid on a page as a start point.

  • jgonell
  • 53.6% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
14 years ago
thanks fellas, makes moving off SMF alot easier..
  • FrankLu
  • 53% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling
14 years ago
Good job,Thanks!!!
  • Skiltz
  • 59% (Neutral)
  • YAF Camper
14 years ago
bbobb any chance of point in the right direction of what files and sp's would need updating??


  • bbobb
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer
14 years ago
All the core functionality is here

sp post_list


But the feature is a rather complex one.

It requres some thanks feature modification too.

I don't know what Jaben thinks about it, but if you'll implement the core db paging functionality I could do the rest, when I have time, currently I don't have it, as I need speed boost for other data layers and it can be published as a community modification in any case.

  • Jaben
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer Topic Starter
14 years ago

It also adds improved speed for larger forums by only pulling required post text.

Skiltz wrote:

Hi Jaben I just tested this out and I didn't noticed any speed difference, actually I beleive its slower with this release. Let know if you want me to provide anything happy to help out where I can.

Jaben wrote:

What is slower? The post_list call?

  • Skiltz
  • 59% (Neutral)
  • YAF Camper
14 years ago
Correct, the rendering of posts.
  • Jaben
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • YAF Developer Topic Starter
14 years ago
Can you post a screen shot of sproc times again? The more information, the better.
  • Skiltz
  • 59% (Neutral)
  • YAF Camper
14 years ago
RC3 Doesn't show me a breakdown only the page loading time. AM running in debug mode.

ohh need to be logged in...flag that!

  • Skiltz
  • 59% (Neutral)
  • YAF Camper